Although this panel is open to all WICSA-4 attendees, we are
selectively inviting a small group of representatives from academia, product vendors, industry analysts, and corporations that will discuss, and answer questions from the audience concerning architecture issues in software development processes, with an emphasis on challenges in building a high-quality large-scale application leveraging SOA principles, and in light of emerging standards in Web Services (e.g., WS-I, BPEL4WS, etc.).
The primary intent of the panel is to provoke discussion on a point what distinguishes much of the software architecture work in large-scale software engineering projects, targeting SOA and Web Services, from that of traditional distributed software projects.
Topics include
the impact of SOA on the process of evolving
architecture significant requirements (ASRs), SOA conformance criteria, leading methodologies (e.g., Rational Unified Process, OMG MDA, etc.), applications of the most well-known concepts for discovering business services (e.g., Feature-oriented, Event-oriented, and Aspect-oriented), best practices architecture patterns for SOA, and best practices in education and training of SOA-aware software architects.
The panel moderator is Dr. Mark M. Davydov, VP and Senior
Corporate IT Consultant in e-Commerce Architecture for Bank of America, USA, frequent speaker at conferences in the US and Europe, and author of the book Corporate Portals and e-Business Integration.
-Ingolf H. Krueger, University of California, San Diego, USA
-Michael Stal, Siemens, Germany
-Dave Thomas, Bedarra Research Labs, Canada
Each panel member will be required to prepare a brief
presentation (no more than 10 minutes), outlining his/her position to the topics above, and to aid in the general panel discussions.
The format of this panel will be:
- Overview of the software architecture work in
large-scale software engineering projects, targeting SOA and Web Services
- Presentations by panelists
- Q & A on presentations
- Software development process (SDP) issues the panel
has highlighted
- Q & A on SDP issues
If you are interested in providing questions to be prepared by this panel, please contact us at not later than by May 28th, 2004.
Also, please provide a brief position statement (half page or so) that we can use your comments (along with others) to help candidates move to a stronger position if that seems necessary.