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WICSA-4 June 13 - 15 Oslo, Norway


Manfred Broy


From Objects to Components to Services -

A formal framework for service-oriented architectures


Professor Manfred Broy

Technische Universitaet Muenchen




The emerging service oriented architecture technologies, can effectively be specified using principles from object-oriented and component-based computing. Based on a theory of distributed systems that are composed of interacting components we introduce a formal model of services and layered architectures.

A component can provide a total behavior. In contrast, a service is a partial behavior. The functionality of a component can be structured into a family of services. The dependencies and relationships between these services can be made explicit. A layer in a layered architecture is a service with two service interfaces, an import and an export interface. A layered architecture is a stack of several layers. For this model of services and service layers we can support specification and design techniques for layers and layered architectures. Based on this, more specific aspects of layered architectures such as refinement and layer models can be supported.


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Manfred Broy is a professor at the Department of Informatics of the Technical University of Munich, Germany. His research interests are software and systems engineering comprising both theoretical and practical aspects. He is leading a research group working in a number of industrial projects that apply mathematically based techniques and to combine practical approaches to software engineering with mathematical rigor. There, the main topics are ad hoc networks, software architectures, componentware, software development processes and graphical description techniques. In his group the CASE tool AutoFocus was developed.



Haakon Bryhni


Software Architectures for Mobile IP systems - future

industrial challenges in variability and interoperability


Dr. Haakon Bryhni

CTO, Birdstep Technologies



Mobile IP systems poses a number of architectural challenges in the areas of variability and interoperability.

- The user may have nomadic and wireless access to business services in the same way as through fixed broadband networks at work and elsewhere

- The user may have access to the same user experience of services, regardless of type of radio-based network

- The user’s connection with the company’s existing VPN solution may be automatically secured when communication is carried through public (wireless) networks

- The user may have service quality adjusted to the needs and qualities of the relevant networks that the user is connected to in various situations.

The talk will present principal software architectures for

mobile IP systems, and discuss future industrial challenges, in particular related to variability and interoperability, quality of service, and to software architecture in general.


Dr. Haakon Bryhni is CTO at Birdstep, a company that is a provider of enabling software technologies for the embedded and wireless marketplace. Their wireless infrastructure software technologies make nomadic lifestyles a reality, enabling users to retrieve information from any device in any location, over any network infrastructure. Telenor’s Nordic research prize of 2003 was awarded to Dr. Haakon Bryhni, He was awarded the prize for his research and development within the Mobile IP standard and for his contribution to the development of seamless communication across different technologies. Bryhni’s work comprises aspects like broadband, nomadic services, security and quality, which has enabled a host of new applications.