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The Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2002

Montreal, August 25-31

Welcome to the homepage of the third Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA). WICSA 3 will be held from August 25 until August 31 2002 in Montreal. The conference will be co-hosted with the World Computer Congres (WCC), of which Wicsa 3 is Stream 2 in the WCC program.

WICSA 3 is the third international conference devoted entirely to Software Architecture. Its purpose is to bring together software engineering practitioners and researchers from industry and academia to exchange experiences, results and ideas related to all aspects of software architecture. Its mission is to become the premier conference on architectural issues in software system design, development and maintenance, for both practitioners and academics. We are currently soliciting papers, proposals for sessions, and tutorials from academia and industry.

All conference registration, hotel registration, program and local venue information can be found at the WCC site,


  • The homepage for Wicsa 4 is now online. Please refer to that site for more information on the upcoming wicsa conference.
  • The proceedings have been published by Kluwer: "Software Architecture - System Design, Development and Maintenance, Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (editors), isbn 1-4020-7176-0, Kluwer, July 2002.
  • You can find the program for stream 2 here and an overview of the workshops here.
  • We look forward to meeting you in Montreal.
  • We have reviewed the papers and notified the authors. The deadline for the final paper submissions (of accepted papers) is April 1, 2002. Authors, please check the instructions for submission of your camera ready paper.
  • The submission site has closed since the deadline for paper submission has passed. Authors will be notified about the status of their paper after the review process which is currently taking place. Please check back here for more details later on.
  • We have changed the deadline for paper submissions: January 18, 2002 is the new deadline for paper submissions.
  • Please note that the template for papers has changed. You should use the Kluwer template (maximum 10 pages). Details are on the submission page.
  • Our paper submission site is now operational. Please go here for further instructions.


Software Architecture - System Design, Development and Maintenance
Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (editors)
isbn 1-4020-7176-0
Kluwer July 2002


Please check our call for papers if you are interested in submitting something to WICSA 3. The deadline for paper submissions is Januari 18, 2002.


For further information please contact wicsa3 AT For technical issues with the website or cyberchair, please contact the webmaster.

This page was last updated on: webmaster: Jilles van Gurp