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Program:��� Stream 2
Version:��� May 6,�� 2002  


Sunday 25:

Sunday morning:��� SM-T1:
TUTORIAL 2-1: "Documenting Software Architectures: What, Why, and How," Clements, Stafford,��

Sunday morning:SM-T2:

TUTORIAL 2-2"Enterprise Application Integration Architecture: Architecture Design Best Practices, EAI Product Insights," Liu, Gorton,Australia

Sunday afternoon:SA-T1:
TUTORIAL 2-3: "Architecture-Centric Software Engineering," Bosch,��

Sunday afternoon:��� SA-T2:
TUTORIAL 2-4: "An Introduction to IEEE 1471: Recommended Practice for Architectural Description," Emery, Hilliard, Maier,��


Monday 26

Before lunch:


S1.2:�� Paper session

Title:Dynamic Software Architectures


The Adaptive Object-Model Architectural Style

Yoder, Johnson,USA


Aura: an Architectural Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

Sousa, Garlan,USA


Using Architectural Style as a Basis for System Self-repair

Cheng, Garlan, Schmerl, Sousa, Spitznagel, Steenkiste,USA

After lunch:


S2.2:�� Paper session

Title:�� Architecture Analysis

Modeling and Analyzing the Software Architecture of a Communication Protocol Using SAM

He, Shi,�� USA


Dynamic Reconfigurable Software Architecture: Analysis and Evaluation

Ramdane-Cherif, Levy,France


Understanding and Propagating Architectural Changes

Van der Westhuizen, van der Hoek,USA


S3.2.1:Parallel Working Session

Title:Mobile Collaboration/Computing:

Set Scope of the Domain/Problem Class

        Articulate key domain/problem characteristics

        Specify known architectural solutions

S3.2.2:Parallel Working Session

Title:Industrial control/product lines:

Set Scope of the Domain/Problem Class

        Articulate key domain/problem characteristics

        Specify known architectural solutions

S3.2.3:Parallel Working Session

Title:Dynamic software architectures:

Set Scope of the Domain/Problem Class

        Articulate key domain/problem characteristics

        Specify known architectural solutions

S3.2.4:Parallel Working Session

Title:Component-based architectures:

Set Scope of the Domain/Problem Class

        Articulate key domain/problem characteristics

        Specify known architectural solutions

S3.2.5:Parallel Working Session

Title:Communication services/product lines:

Set Scope of the Domain/Problem Class

        Articulate key domain/problem characteristics

        Specify known architectural solutions



Tuesday 27

Before lunch:


S4.2:�� Paper session

Title:�� Architecture Description


Practical Rationale for Describing Software Architecture

Smolander, P�iv�rinta,Finland


Documenting and Analyzing a Context-Sensitive Design Space

de Bruin, van Vliet, Baida,Netherlands


Introducing Reflection in Architecture Description Languages

Cuesta, de la Fuente, Barrio-Solorzano, Beato,Spain

After lunch:


S5.2.1:Parallel Working Session

Title:Mobile Collaboration/Computing:

Identify State of the Art

        Enumerate known issues and problems

        Enumerate promising solutions for these issues and problems

        Prepare a poster summarizing the first two sessions

S5.2.2:Parallel Working Session

Title:Industrial control/product lines:

Identify State of the Art

        Enumerate known issues and problems

        Enumerate promising solutions for these issues and problems

        Prepare a poster summarizing the first two sessions

S5.2.3:Parallel Working Session

Title: Dynamic software architectures:

Identify State of the Art

        Enumerate known issues and problems

        Enumerate promising solutions for these issues and problems

        Prepare a poster summarizing the first two sessions

S5.2.4:Parallel Working Session

Title:Component-based architectures:

Identify State of the Art

        Enumerate known issues and problems

        Enumerate promising solutions for these issues and problems

        Prepare a poster summarizing the first two sessions

S5.2.5:Parallel Working Session

Title:Communication services/product lines:

Identify State of the Art

        Enumerate known issues and problems

        Enumerate promising solutions for these issues and problems

        Prepare a poster summarizing the first two sessions


S6.2:Paper session

Title:Architecture Reconstruction and Evolution


Architecture Reconstruction in Practice

Claudio Riva,Finland


Introducing the Software Architectonic Viewpoint

Maccari, Galal,Finland, UK


(Followed by Steering Committee Report & Conference Feedback)



Wednesday 28

Before lunch:


S7.2.1:Parallel Working Session

Title:Mobile Collaboration/Computing:

Define Challenge Problems

        Lay out a research agenda including: challenge problem lines of inquiry and potential practitioner/research partnerships

S7.2.2:Parallel Working Session

Title:Industrial control/product lines:

Define Challenge Problems

       Lay out a research agenda including: challenge problem lines of inquiry and potential practitioner/research partnerships

S7.2.3:Parallel Working Session

Title:Dynamic software architectures:

Define Challenge Problems

       Lay out a research agenda including: challenge problem lines of inquiry and potential practitioner/research partnerships

S7.2.4:Parallel Working Session

Title:Component-based architectures:

Define Challenge Problems

       Lay out a research agenda including: challenge problem lines of inquiry and potential practitioner/research partnerships

S7.2.5:Parallel Working Session

Title:Communication services/product lines:

Define Challenge Problems

       Lay out a research agenda including: challenge problem lines of inquiry and potential practitioner/research partnerships

After lunch:


S8.2: Paper session

Title:�� Component-based Architectures


A Component-Based Software Architecture for Industrial Control

L�ders, Crnkovic,Sweden


Analyzing Commercial Component Models

DePrince, Hofmeister,USA


A Family of Software Architecture Implementation Frameworks

Medvidovic, Mehta, Mikic-Rakic,USA


S9.2:Poster Session:
Working Groups Discuss the Emerging Challenge Problems



Thursday 29

Before lunch:


Full day workshop:

S10.2:�� Workshop

�Mining and Reengineering of Legacy Assets for use in a new System or Product Line,"

O`Brien and Smith, CMU, USA





After lunch: Workshop continued.











Friday 30:

Before lunch:


Tutorial:�� FF-T1
"Adopting Patterns & Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Development,"

R. Srinivasan, Chief Technology Officer, iCMG, India

Tutorial:�� FF-T2

"Planning Projects Using Software Architecture,"

Paulish, Nord, Schwanke,Siemens, USA


After lunch:


Tutorial:�� continued
"Adopting Patterns & Anti-Patterns for Successful Software Development,"

R. Srinivasan, Chief Technology Officer, iCMG, India

Tutorial:�� continued

"Planning Projects Using Software Architecture,"

Paulish, Nord, Schwanke,Siemens, USA








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