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Submission Guidelines

It is no longer possible to submit papers for Wicsa 3.

Papers should describe original and significant work on the research and practice of software and system architectures. Papers are limited to 15 proceedings pages. Papers must not have been previously published nor have been submitted to, or be in consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference. All papers should explicitly state the goals of systems or approaches described, discuss relationships to previous work and should use accepted, standard terminology.

Please use the pdf format for your documents. Asian authors, please do not use asian fonts as these may prevent us from printing your document. The pdf format is the least likely to give us any problems when we try to print it.

We are using cyberchair to collect the papers and automate the review process. Since this is the first time we use cyberchair, we kindly request you to keep all mail generated by cyberchair as well as any information you submit available for backup purposes.

Templates for formatting your document can be found here.

Please go to the cyberchair submission site for paper submissions.

Please send suggestions for workshops to WICSA3 AT before the closing date of submissions. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Nenad Medvidovic (neno AT

Instructions for authors of accepted papers

In order to include your paper in the proceedings you need to do the following things before April 1:

  • Sign the copyright transfer form (without it we cannot print your paper) and send it to us:
    • Jan Bosch
      University of Groningen
      PO Box 800
      9700 AV Groningen
      The Netherlands
    • faxnr: +31 50 3633800
  • Submit a final version of your paper using our cyberchair site.
    • Maximum of 15 pages
    • Formatted according to the Kluwer format
    • Submit a zip file with:
      • A PDF file. Please make sure your document includes any non standard fonts otherwise we may not be able to print it.
      • The source files of your paper (preferably word).

If you have any questions, please contact wicsa3 AT

Important dates

  • Deadline for abstracts and papers: January 18, 2002
  • Accept/reject notification: March 1, 2002
  • Deadline final paper submission: April 1, 2002


This page was last updated on: webmaster: Jilles van Gurp