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Call for Papers - WICSA 2001 - Amsterdam - August 2001


  • Topics of Interest
  • Important Dates
  • Paper Submission
  • Program Committee
  • Organising Committee
  • Workshops/Tutorials/Special sessions
  • pdf flyer
  • Paper submission

    Papers should describe original and significant work on the research and practice of software and system architectures. Papers are limited to 10 proceedings pages, at most 8000 words. Papers must not have been previously published nor have been submitted to, or be in consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference. All papers should explicitly state the goals of systems or approaches described, discuss relationships to previous work and should use accepted, standard terminology.

    Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically. Papers should be in IEEE proceedings format in a single pdf or Postscript file. Contact before sending other file types. Submit a pdf or PostScript version of your paper electronically.

    In addition, send an accompanying e-mail to containing the title of the paper, full names, affiliations, postal and e-mail addresses of all authors, fax and telephone numbers. Alternatively, the paper can be sent by postal mail. In that case, five copies of all the above items should be sent to one of the program co-chairs (see addresses). The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. For more information please contact one of the Program co-chairs. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings.

    Author guidelines can be found at