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Call for Papers - WICSA 2001 - Amsterdam - August 2001


  • Topics of Interest
  • Important Dates
  • Paper Submission
  • Program Committee
  • Organising Committee
  • Workshops/Tutorials/Special sessions
  • pdf flyer
  • Program Committee Co-Chairs

    Rick Kazman
    Software Engineering Institute
    Carnegie Mellon University
    4500 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15123
    Phone: +1-412-268-1588
    Fax: +1-412-268-5758
    Hans van Vliet
    Faculty of Science
    Vrije Universiteit
    De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Phone: +31-20-444-7768
    Fax: +31-20-444-7653

    Program Committee Members

    Bruce Anderson (IBM, UK)
    Don Batory (Unversity of Texas at Austin, USA)
    Maarten Boasson (Hollandse Signaal, The Netherlands)
    Jan Bosch (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
    Sjaak Brinkkemper (Baan Company, The Netherlands)
    Frank Buschmann (Siemens, Germany)
    Paul Clements (SEI, USA)
    Morven Gentleman (Global Information Network Institute, Canada)
    T.C. Nicholas Graham (Queens University, Canada)
    Christine Hofmeister (LeHigh University, USA)
    Paola Inverardi (Universita dell'Aquila, Italy)
    Ralph Johnson (Unversity of Illinois, USA)
    Mark Klein (CMU/SEI, USA)
    Jeff Kramer (Imperial College, UK)
    Juha Kuusela (Nokia Research, Finland)
    Jeff Magee (Imperial College, UK)
    Masao Matsumoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
    Yoshihiro Matsumoto (Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
    Nenad Medvidovic (University of Southern California, USA)
    Robert Nord (Siemens, USA)
    Henk Obbink (Philips Research, The Netherlands)
    Dewayne Perry (University of Texas, USA)
    Alexander Ran (Nokia Research, USA)
    Kevin Sullivan (University of Virginia, USA)
    Clemens Szyperski (Microsoft Research, USA)
    Richard N. Taylor (Unversity of California at Irvine, USA)
    Will Tracz (Lockheed Martin, USA)
    Alexander L. Wolf (University of Colorado, USA)