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Call for Papers

The 10th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
Component-Based Software Engineering

Global Software Services and Architecture

July 9 - 11, 2007

co-located at COMPARCH'07 with Rosatea and QoSA (July 9-13, 2007)
Tufts University, Medford (Boston area), Massachusetts, USA

Image Kurt Wallnau

Kurt Wallnau (SEI, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)

Component-Based Software Engineering: Polemic and Apology of an Agnostic

Monday, 9 July, 09:00-10:30


In its most common use today, the phrase "Component-Based," when it modifies "Software Engineering," is trite and in fact teeters on the brink of vacuity. Some people argue that "component-based" software will ultimately achieve the same status as "object-oriented" software and its various spin-offs; they usually argue that any proliferation of disjoint or conflicting meanings assigned to the phrase is merely a reflection of technology immaturity. This argument fails to accommodate the central role that "component" plays as a mental construct in problem solving, and therefore in all engineering disciplines, including software engineering. In this talk I argue that what has passed as research and practice in component-based software has been largely concerned with the remarkably narrow issue of fabrication and fabrication standards -important concern for sure but, relatively speaking, "small potatoes" in terms of potential impact on the maturity of software engineering praxis. I aim to liberate research in component-based software from its infatuation with fabrication and place it instead into the larger world of engineering design and engineering problem solving.


Kurt Wallnau is a senior member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Mr. Wallnau currently leads a research initiative that is developing technologies for obtaining objective and certifiable confidence in the behavior of software components and in their assemblies. Other current research interests and activities include proof-carrying code and algorithmic mechanism design for ultra-large-scale systems. He previously led SEI research in the development of systems from predominantly commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, which led to the aptly named Addison-Wesley book, Building Systems from Commercial Components. Prior to coming to the SEI, Mr. Wallnau was a staff research scientist with (what is now) Lockheed Martin, where he was system architect for a knowledge-based software composition system based on the KL-ONE family of semantic networks. Mr. Wallnau graduated summa cum laude with a BS in Computer Science from Villanova University in 1985 and has been pursuing his PhD in fits and starts ever since.
Image Axel Uhl

Axel Uhl (Chief Development Architect, Office of CTO, SAP)

Global Software Architecture: Research and Challenges

Tuesday, 10 July, 09:00-10:30


Dr. Axel Uhl has been with SAP AG since June 2004, crafting the architecture of SAP's Modeling Infrastructure (MOIN) and is currently Chief Development Architect in SAP's Office of the CTO. In this role he works on the architecture of SAP's tools, repositories and programming models.

Before Axel joined SAP, he worked at Interactive Objects Software GmbH, as architect of their ArcStyler Model-Driven Architecture product, a product that puts emphasis on the design, implementation, maintenance and re-use of model transformations. Axel has authored several publications on model-driven software development and has co-authored "MDA Distilled."


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[Created: Wed May 16 2007 - Revised: Fri May 25 20:11:09 2007 (hws)]