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Call for Tutorials 

The 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) will be held in Sydney, Australia, April 7-11, 2014. The conference will offer tutorials on software architecture during the first two days of the conference (April 7 & 8), to allow practitioners and researchers to learn from each other, about cutting edge tools and methods. The tutorial proposals will be reviewed by a small subset of the WICSA program committee. The criteria used will be: appropriateness to the theme and spirit of the conference, and the potential to draw an audience, especially in the local software industry.


A tutorial proposal should be no more than 4 pages and follow the following structure:

  1. Title of the tutorial (one line)
  2. Presenter(s): Name and affiliation
  3. Summary: 350 words (max), suitable for posting in the conference web site
  4. Intended audience: Who is the ideal target for this tutorial?
  5. Duration: full day, or half day (if either, submit two proposals with different outlines)
  6. Format: Lecture, hands on exercise, facilitated discussion, group activity, role playing, game, …
  7. Special requirements (e.g., paperboard, multiple projectors, table layout)
  8. Key message: What are the 2 or 3 key take-away messages the audience should leave with?
  9. Outline: What is the general structure of the tutorial, topics covered with some indication of timing. Include enough detail to provide reviewers with a sense of depth and breadth of the material covered.
  10. Presenter’s bio: 250 word bio of the presenter(s), stressing their qualification with respect to the tutorial topic
  11. Tutorial history: Where and when was this tutorial presented before; how many people attended?
  12. Slide samples (optional):  Attach a few sample of slides (one page)

Tutorials that attract 10 or more paid participants will receive an honorarium of AUD 800 for full day tutorials and AUD 400 for half day tutorials. 

The complete proposal should not exceed 4 pages and must be in PDF. Submit your proposal on or before January 10th, 2014 to the tutorial chair via email at: 


  • January 10th, 2014: Last day for proposal submission (via email)
  • January 24th, 2014: Notification of acceptance
  • March 20th, 2014: Submission of tutorial handout material
  • April 7th and 8th, 2014: Tutorial days

Tutorial chair

Sam Malek, George Mason University, USA