WICSA is the premier international conference for software architecture research and practice. Over the past two decades, software architecture research has brought significant advances in areas such as architecture design styles and patterns, viewpoints, quality attributes, design rationale, architectural description languages, and evaluation methods. While these software engineering methods and tools have had broad practical impacts, evolving development and deployment technologies have also emerged for example, cloud computing, agile development, global software development and big data and these create major new challenges for the software architecture community.
The theme of the WICSA 2014 is “The Future of Software Architecture”. Software architecture as a discipline has produced many theoretical and practical results in the past two decades. As the software landscape continues to change rapidly and software systems become larger and more complex, new challenges for software architecture continue to emerge. We seek research papers and discussion papers that are directly related to this theme. We plan to dedicate a session to this theme.
WICSA 2014 seeks technical papers in two categories: research papers and experience reports. Research papers should present original and novel contributions to software architecture research. Experience reports should describe the business/social context of the work, method or approach used, outcomes, lessons learned (positive as well as negative) and present some conclusions derived from the experience. Authors in either category may submit to WICSA 2014 in one of the two types of submissions: full papers and short papers.
Submissions must not have been previously published nor submitted or under consideration elsewhere for publication. All papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, and accepted papers will be published in the WICSA Proceedings by IEEE.
Topics of interest for the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:
WICSA looks for high-quality research and industry contributions in software architecture that are innovative, novel, and practical. The Program Committee comprises of experienced researchers and practitioners in the software architecture field. The criteria for evaluating a paper will be:
Best WICSA full papers will be selected by a panel of session chairs. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit their extended research to a special issue in the Journal of Systems and Software.
Formatting Instructions: All submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE Proceedings Format (8.5″ x 11″ two-column format, i.e. US-letter). Manuscript templates and instructions can be found in http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
Page limits: 10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers.
Authors should submit via the EasyChair system. The authors should submit an abstract in PDF format by 30th Sep 2013. The submission of the paper, replacing the abstract submission, must be made by 7th Oct 2013.
Submission website is https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wicsa2014, The EasyChair website is now open for abstract submission (from 1st Sep 2013).
Sydney, Australia
Abstract submission deadline: 30 Sep 2013
Submission deadline: 7 Oct 2013 12 Oct 2013
Notifications to authors: 16 Dec 2013
Camera ready copies ready: 10 Feb 2014
Call for Papers is available as pdf.