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Call for Papers

The complete Call for Papers is available for download in PDF or TXT format.


The CBSE symposium has emerged as the flagship research event for the component community. CBSE 2015 encompasses research (both theoretical and applied) that extends the state-of-the-art in component specification, composition, analysis, testing, and verification. Experience reports, empirical studies and presentation of component-based benchmarks and case studies are also within scope. Participants from industry and academia have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in a variety of sessions involving invited and technical presentations, posters, and panels.

New trends in global services, distributed and cloud-based systems architectures, dynamically adaptable systems, and large-scale software systems often cross organizational boundaries and push the limits of established component-based methods, tools and platforms. Innovative solutions from diverse paradigms (e.g., service-, aspect-, and agent-oriented) are needed to address these emerging trends.

Main Topics

Topics of interest for CBSE 2015 therefore include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Specification, architecture, and design of component models and component-based systems
  • Software quality assurance for component-based engineering
  • Verification, testing and certification of component-based systems
  • Component composition, binding, and dynamic adaptation
  • Formal methods for automated component composition and integration
  • Component-based engineering with agents, aspects, or services
  • Component-based product line engineering
  • Non-functional properties (quality of service attributes) in component-based engineering
  • Patterns and frameworks for component-based engineering
  • Tools and methods for component-based engineering
  • Industrial experience using component-based software development
  • Empirical studies in component-based software engineering
  • Teaching component-based software engineering
  • Migration to and evolution of component-based software systems

Special Theme: Components for physical services

Software systems increasingly control processes which reside outside traditional computing devices. These processes are constrained by physical laws. Examples of such systems are smart grids to control energy distribution, autonomous vehicles which drive without driver interaction and coordinate with other cars to avoid traffic jams, or robot fleets which are deployed in search and rescue missions. All these systems became only feasible because of their software parts which relieve humans from interactions. However, such systems are also often mission or safety critical and hence have to comply to strict quality requirements. Component-based software development allows to keep the increased complexity and analysability due to the interaction with the physical world in manageable ranges due to encapsulation and strict interface focus. Such encapsulation allows to verify the properties of single components and then reason on the properties of their composition independently.


Accepted papers will be published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library.

Program Committee

See the Organization page.

Important Dates

See the Important Dates page.

Paper Submission

See the Submission page.

CBSE is kindly supported by ACM SIGSOFT