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CompArch Program

Time Tuesday
22 June 2010
08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:10

Workshop Opening

09:10 - 10:30

Session 1: Architecting Systems

Zoya Durdik.
Architectural Modeling in Agile Methods
Markus Knauß.
Architectural Design with Visualization Patterns
Matthias Huber.
Towards Secure Services in an Untrusted Environment.
Kerstin Falkowski.
A scientific component concept – focused on versatile visual component assembling.
10:30 - 10:50

Coffee Break

10:50 - 11:50

Session 2: Performance Prediction & Certification

Dennis Westermann and Jens Happe.
Performance Prediction of Large Enterprise Applications Based on Goal-oriented Systematic Measurements.
Jörg Henß.
Performance Prediction for Highly Distributed Systems.
Erik Burger.
Towards Formal Certification of Software Components.
11:50 - 12:00


12:00 - 13:00

Session 3: Verification, Formal Methods, Simulation

Claas Wilke, Jens Dietrich, Birgit Demuth.
Event-Driven Verification in Dynamic Component Models.
Marin Orlić, Aneta Vulgarakis, Mario Žagar.
Towards Simulative Environment for Early Development of Component-Based Embedded Systems.
Etienne Borde.
Formal Model Assisted Code Generation for Critical Embedded Systems.
13:00 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 14:30

Planning of Break-out Groups

14:30 - 16:00

Discussion in Break-out Groups

16:00 - 16:15

Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:15

Presentations of Break-out Groups

17:15 - 17:30

Workshop Closing

Time Wednesday
23 June 2010
Section A Section B Section C
8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 10:00

Keynote 1

Chair: Frantisek Plasil
10:00 - 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 - 12:30

1A: Component-based Embedded systems (CBSE)

Chair: Ivica Crnkovic
Antonio Filieri, Carlo Ghezzi, Vincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola.
Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Systems with Multiple Failure Modes
Petr Hošek, Tomáš Pop, Tomáš Bureš, Petr Hnetynka, Michal Malohlava.
Comparison of Component Frameworks for Real-time Embedded Systems
Frédéric Loiret, Lionel Seinturier, Laurence Duchien, David Servat.
A Three-Tier Approach for Composition of Real-Time Embedded Software Stacks
Jagadish Suryadevara, Eun-Young Kang, Cristina Seceleanu, Paul Pettersson.
Bridging the Semantic Gap between Abstract Models of Embedded Systems

1B: Model-driven analysis (QoSA)

Chair: Steffen Becker
Jens Happe, Dennis Westermann, Kai Sachs and Lucia Kapova.
Statistical Inference of Software Performance Models for Parametric Performance Completions
Franz Brosch, Heiko Koziolek, Bara Buhnova and Ralf Reussner.
Parameterized Reliability Prediction for Component-based Software Architectures
Vlastimil Babka, Lubomir Bulej and Petr Tuma.
Validating Model-Driven Performance Predictions On Random Software Systems
Meedeniya Indika, Barbora Buhnova, Aldeida Aleti and Lars Grunske.
Architecture-Driven Reliability and Energy Optimization for Complex Embedded Systems

1C: Design (ISARCS)

Chair: Henry Muccini
Vittorio Cortellessa, Catia Trubiani, Leonardo Mostarda, and Naranker Dulay.
An Architectural Framework for Analyzing Tradeoffs between Software Security and Performance
Atef Mohamed and Mohammad Zulkernine.
Architectural Design Decisions for Achieving Reliable Software Systems
Ricardo J. Rodríguez and José Merseguer.
Integrating Fault Tolerance Techniques into the Design of Critical Systems
Stefan Henkler and Tobias Eckardt.
Component Behavior Synthesis for Critical Systems
12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30

2A: Component-based adaptive systems (CBSE)

Chair: Lars Grunske
Marc Léger, Thomas Ledoux, Thierry Coupaye.
Reliable Dynamic Reconfigurations in a Reflective Component Model
Gwenaël Delaval, Eric Rutten.
Reactive model-based control of reconfiguration in the Fractal component-based model
Yan Li, Minghui Zhou, Chao You, Guo Yang, Hong Mei
Enabling On Demand Deployment of Middleware Services in Componentized Middleware

2B: Case studies and experience reports (QoSA)

Chair: Grace Lewis
Jens Dietrich, Catherine McCartin, Ewan Tempero and Syed M. Ali Shah.
Barriers to Modularity - An empirical study to assess the potential for modularisation of Java programs
Lucia Kapova, Thomas Goldschmidt, Steffen Becker and Joerg Henss.
Evaluating Maintainability with Code Metrics for Model-to-Model Transformations
Vincent Le Gloahec, Regis Fleurquin and Salah Sadou.
Good Architecture = Good (ADL + Practices)

2C: Verification & Validation (ISARCS)

Chair: Maurice ter Beek
Martin Děcký.
A Road to a Formally Verified General-Purpose Operating System
J Paul Gibson, Jean-Luc Raffy, and Eric Lallet.
Engineering a distributed e-voting system architecture: meeting critical requirements
Piotr Gawkowski, Konrad Grochowski, Maciej Lawrynczuk, Piotr Marusak, Janusz Sosnowski, and Piotr Tatjewski.
Testing Fault Robustness of Model Predictive Control Algorithms
15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30

3A: Composition and (De)-composition of Component-based Systems (CBSE)

Chair: Steffen Becker
Michael Eichberg, Karl Klose, Ralf Mitschke, Mira Mezini.
Component Composition Using Feature Models
Simon Allier, Houari A. Sahraoui, Salah Sadou, Stéphane Vaucher.
Restructuring Object-Oriented Applications into Component-Oriented Applications by using Consistency with Execution Traces
Kung-Kiu Lau, Ioannis Ntalamagkas, Cuong M. Tran, Tauseef Rana.
(Behavioural) Design Patterns as Composition Operators

3B: Quality of Service Adaptation (QoSA)

Chair: Lars Grunske
Carlo Ghezzi, Alfredo Motta, Valerio Panzica La Manna and Giordano Tamburrelli.
QoS Driven Dynamic Binding in-the-many
Franck Chauvel, Hui Song, Xiang Ping Chen, Gang Huang and Hong Mei.
Using QoS-Contracts to Drive Architecture-Centric Self-Adaptation
Anne Martens, Danilo Ardagna, Heiko Koziolek, Raffaela Mirandola and Ralf Reussner.
A Hybrid Approach for Multi-Attribute QoS Optimisation in Component-Based Software Systems

3C: Open discussion (ISARCS)

Chair: Cristina Gacek, Holger Giese
ISARCS brings together four communities addressing the architecting of critical
systems from their perspectives, and each one having their own respective dissemination forums, namely dependability, safety, security and testing/analysis for architecting systems. In this open discussion we will besides other issues brought up by the participants tackle the specific question how far we are with the required combination/unification and which challenges have to be tackled.
19:30 - 21:00

The Welcome Reception at the Mayor of City of Prague Residence (see Social Program)

Time Thursday
24 June 2010
Section A Section B Section C
9:00 - 10:00

Industrial day Talk 1

Chair: Ralf Reussner
10:00 - 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 - 11:30

Industrial day Talk 2

Chair: Jan Kofron
11:30 - 12:30

Industrial day Talk 3

Chair: Sven Overhage
12:30 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Industrial day Talk 4

Chair: George Heineman
Petr Aubrecht, Radovan Janecek
SOA by Mainframe
15:00 - 16:00

Panel discussion

Software Components After 15 Years
Moderated by Ralf Reussner

Tutorial 1

Thomas Santen: VCC Demo

Tutorial 2A

Klaus Krogmann: Palladio Tutorial
16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 17:30

Tutorial 3

Petr Tuma, Vlastimil Babka: A Framework for Validation of Performance Models – Demo

Tutorial 4

Laura Bocchi: A Formal Approach to Service Oriented Modelling

Tutorial 2B

Klaus Krogmann: Palladio Tutorial
19:00 - 21:00

CompArch 2010 Dinner in Restaurant Vikarka (see Social Program)

Time Friday
25 June 2010
Section A Section C
9:00 - 10:00

Keynote 2

Chair: Raffaela Mirandola
10:00 - 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 - 12:00

4A: Component Interfaces, Contracts and Adapters of Component-based systems (CBSE)

Chair: Judy Stafford
Kiev Gama, Didier Donsez.
A Self-healing Component Sandbox for Untrustworthy Third Party Code Execution
Jens Dietrich, Lucia Stewart.
Component Contracts in Eclipse - A Case Study
Oliver Hummel, Colin Atkinson.
Automated Creation and Assessment of Component Adapters with Test Cases

4C: Domain-Specific Results (ISARCS)

Chair: Lars Grunske
Michael Gagnon, Joshua Haines, Apu Kapadia, John Truelove, and Orton Huang.
Towards Net-centric Cyber Survivability for Ballistic Missile Defense
Ibrahim Habli and Tim Kelly.
A Safety Case Approach to Assuring Configurable Architectures of Safety-Critical Product Lines
Daniel Germanus, Abdelmajid Khelil, and Neeraj Suri.
Increasing the Resilience of Critical SCADA Systems Using Peer-to-Peer Overlays
12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30

5A: Case studies (CBSE & QoSA)

Chair: Anne Martens
Graham Jenson, Jens Dietrich, Hans W. Guesgen.
An Empirical Study of the Component Dependency Resolution Search Space
Dominik Birkmeier and Sven Overhage.
Is BPMN Really First Choice in Joint Architecture Development? An Empirical Study on the Usability of BPMN and UML Activity Diagrams for Business Users
Zoya Durdik.
Architectural Modeling in Agile Methods
(CompArch Young Investigator Award)

5C: Standards & closing (ISARCS)

Chair: Holger Giese
Martin Hillenbrand, Matthias Heinz, Nico Adler, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser, Johannes Matheis, and Clemens Reichmann.
ISO/DIS 26262 in the context of electric and electronic architecture modeling
ISARCS closing
15:30 - 16:00
