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A Component Oriented Domain Architecture for Fish Farming

Svein Hallsteinsen
SINTEF Telecom and Informatics
N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
+47 73593010  


Øyvind Dragsten
Icon Medialab
Box 2393 Solli N-0201
Oslo, Norway
+47 98820387  


Magne Johnsen
Superior Systems
Olav Tryvasons gt. 39-41
N-7011 Trondheim, Norway  


Jan Ove Ofstad
Superior Systems
Olav Tryvasons gt. 39-41
N-7011 Trondheim, Norway



This paper presents experiences with applying the Magma model for component based software engineering for a family of applications supporting fish farming. It focuses on lessons learned from the design and evaluation of a common component based architecture as a means to cope with challenges such a rapidly changing requirements and a dynamic technology environment. It concludes that such an architecture is a good match in this case.

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The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and operated by Carnegie Mellon University.

Copyright 2004 by Carnegie Mellon University
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Last Modified: 11 August 2004