Jun Han
Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
Current models for software components have
made component-based software engineering practical. However, these models
are limited in the sense that their support for the characterization/specification
of software components primarily deals with syntactic issues. To
avoid mismatch and misuse of components, more comprehensive specification
of software components is required, especially in a scenario where components
are dynamically discovered and used at run-time over corporate intranets
and the Internet. Our approach to software component specification aims
at comprehensive interface modelling/packaging for software components.
It deals with the semantic, usage, quality as well as syntactic aspects
of software component specification.
Software systems form an essential part of most enterprises' business infrastructure,
and become increasingly complex. In today's global market, these enterprises
have to continuously adjust and improve their business practices to maintain
a competitive edge. Such changes to business practices often raise requirements
for change to their underlying software systems and the need for new systems,
which have to be fulfilled in a timely fashion. It is in this business
context that being able to assemble or adapt software systems with reusable
components proves vital.
We have seen examples of integrating software components or packages
into systems to achieve specific business objectives of enterprises. Perhaps,
the most prominent is the use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software
packages in enterprise systems. Experience has shown that even with advanced
technological support, in general, it is not an easy task to assemble software
components into systems. A major issue of concern is the mismatches of
the components in the context of an assembled system, especially when the
mismatches are not easily identifiable [Garlan et al, 1995]. The hard-to-identify
mismatches are largely due to the fact that the capability of the components
are not clearly described or understood through their interfaces.
Most commercially available software components are delivered in binary
form. We have to rely on the components' interface description to understand
their exact capability. Even with the components' development documentation
available, people would certainly prefer or can only afford to explore
their interface descriptions rather than digesting their development details.
Furthermore, interface descriptions in natural languages do not provide
the level of precision required for component understanding, and therefore
have resulted in the above mentioned mismatches. When discovering components
and assembling systems at run-time over corporate intranets and the Internet,
it becomes a must that the components have precise and even comprehensive
interface descriptions.
Most current approaches for component interface definition deal with
primarily syntactic issues, like those of the CORBA Interface Definition
Language (IDL). To gain a clear understanding of a component's exact capability,
other essential aspects of the component should also be described, including
the semantics of the interface elements, their relationships, the assumed
contexts of use, and the quality attributes. Our approach to software component
specification deals with these aspects through comprehensive interface
specification. It has been developed and applied during a large-scale telecommunications
R&D project at a multi-national company. It provides not only the basis
of notational and tool support for software component specification, but
also the basis of methodological guidance for architecture-directed and
component-based system development, composition and integration.
While our framework highlights comprehensive packaging, it is unrealistic
to expect that every component is to be defined formally and comprehensively
in practice. For example, JavaBeans and COM components are still very useful
even though their interface definitions are mainly syntactic. In these
cases, the full understanding of the components has to rely on other means,
e.g., informal documents. Or, the user of the component is happy with the
partial information that has been offered by the interface. It is very
important to allow such flexibility in packaging software components. It
is the component user who decides whether the provided interface information
is enough to warrant the adoption of the component in his/her use context.
This is particularly true for the quality attributes of the component.
We generally refer to this flexibility as "sliding characterization/specification".
An analysis of existing industrial component models and the need for
comprehensive component characterization can be found in [Han, 1998a].
In the following sections, we give a brief account of our approach to software
component specification. Further details can be found in [Han, 1998b; Han
and Zheng, 1998].
An overview of the approach
As argued earlier, proper characterization of software components is essential
to their effective management and use in the context of component-based
software engineering. While there have been industrial and experimental
projects that build systems from (existing) components, the approaches
taken are ad hoc and heavily rely on the specifics of the systems and components
concerned. That is, component-based software engineering is still very
much in its infancy. Characterization of components through comprehensive
interface specification is a step towards systematic approaches to CBSE
and their enabling technologies.
Our approach to component specification aims to provide a basis for
the development, management and use of components. It has four aspects.
First, there is the signature of the component, which forms the
basis for the component's interaction with the outside world and
deals with the syntactic aspect of the necessary mechanisms for such
interaction (i.e., properties, operations and events). The next aspect
of component specification concerns the semantics of the component interaction,
including the semantic specification of individual signature elements and
more importantly additional constraints on the component signature
in terms of their proper use. The component signature and its semantic
constraints define the overall capability of the component. The third aspect
of component specification concerns the packaging of the interface
signature according to the component's roles in given scenarios of use,
so that the component interface has different configurations depending
on the use contexts. The fourth aspect of component specification is about
the characterization of the component in terms of their non-functional
properties or quality attributes (code named illities [Thompson,
Interface signature
Fundamental to a component's interface is its signature that characterizes
its functionality. The component interface signature forms the basis of
all other aspects of the component interface. As commonly recognised, the
interface signature of a component comprises properties, operations
and events. A software component may have a number of properties
externally observable. These properties form an essential part of the component
interface, i.e., the observable structural elements of the component. The
users (including people and other software components) may use (i.e., observe
and even change) their values, to understand and influence the component's
behaviour. A common use of component properties is for component customisation
and configuration at the time of use. It should be noted that certain component
properties can only be observed, but not changed.
Another aspect of a component signature is the operations, with which
the outside world interacts with the component. The operations capture
the dynamic behavioural capability of the component, and represent the
service/functionality that the component provides. Besides proactive control
(usually in the form of explicit operation invocation or message passing),
another form of control used to realise system behaviour is reactive control
(usually in the form of event-driven implicit operation invocation or message
passing). It is often the case that certain aspects of a system are better
captured through proactive control via operations, while other aspects
of the system are better captured in the form of reactive control via events.
To facilitate reactive control, a component may generate events from time
to time, which other components in the system may choose to respond to.
In this type of event-based component interactions, there may be none or
many responses to an event, and they may change as time goes on. As such,
this model of interaction allows communication channels to be established
dynamically, and gives the system the capability of dynamic configuration.
In our approach, the specification of interface signature takes a form
similar to the current Interface Definition Languages found in CORBA and
Java, including assemble-time and run-time properties, operations and events.
Interface constraints
The signature of a component interface only spells out the individual elements
of the component for interaction in mostly syntactic terms. In addition
to the constraints imposed by their associated types, the properties and
operations of a component interface may be subject to a number of further
semantic constraints regarding their use. In general, there are two types
of such constraints: those on individual elements and those concerning
the relationships among the elements. Examples of the first type are the
definition of the operation semantics (say, in terms of pre-/post-conditions)
and range constraints on properties. There are a variety of constraints
of the second type. For example, different properties may be inter-related
in terms of their value settings. An operation can only be invoked when
a specific property value is in a given range. One operation has to be
immediately invoked after another operation's invocation.
The explicit specification of semantic properties are important. First
of all, they form part of the defining characteristics of the component.
They make more precise about the capability of the component. Furthermore,
it is essential for the user of the component to understand these constraints.
Only then, proper use of the component can be guaranteed and therefore
the composed system's behaviour is predictable. Without such constraints,
the proper understanding and use of the component will be much harder.
Informal and possibly incomplete and imprecise documentation has to be
relied on. While we all know the dangers and problems associated with such
a scenario, it has even greater significance for component based software
engineering. This is because the interface definition of a component may
well be the only source of information for the component as we may not
have access to its source code or any other development documentation,
e.g., in a scenario where components are discovered and used dynamically
at run-time.
The use of pre-/post-conditions for defining operation semantics has
been well studied, such as those used in Eiffel [Meyer, 1997] and Catalysis
[D'Souza and Wills, 1998]. Our approach focuses on constraints concerning
the relationships among signature elements. A common example in telecommunications
systems is that a system module has to be initialised through a sequence
of operations before it is enabled to accept normal requests (e.g., invocations
of further operations). Specific mechanisms are available to specify this
type of constraints in our approach.
Interface packaging and configurations
The signature and the semantic constraints of a component define the overall
capability of the component. For the component to be used, certain packaging
is required. It involves two aspects: (1) the component plays different
roles in a given context, and (2) the component may be used in different
types of contexts. In a particular use scenario, a component usually interacts
with a number of other components, and plays specific roles relative to
them. The interactions between the component concerned and these other
components may differ depending on the components and their related perspectives.
When interacting with a particular type of component from a specific perspective,
for example, only certain properties are visible, only some operations
are applicable and some further constraints on properties and operations
may apply. More specifically, for example, the value range of a property
may be further restricted in a particular role. In general, this suggests
the need for defining perspective/role-oriented interaction protocols for
a given component, i.e., an interface configuration, as the effect
of interface packaging. Since the role-based configuration definition is
oriented towards component interaction, a role-based interface of a component
should include not only what the component provides but also what it requires
from the other end (another component) of the interaction.
Scenarios provide the contexts of use for a component. A component may
be used in different scenarios and has different role partitions in these
scenarios. For a component, therefore, there may be the need for different
sets of interaction protocols, with each set for a scenario in which the
component is to be used. This suggests that a component may have different
interface configurations. In principle, an interface configuration should
be defined in terms of both the component and the use scenario, and it
relates the component to the use context.
Usually, when a component is designed, the designer has one or more
use scenarios in mind. Therefore, a few packaging configurations may be
defined for the component interface. When a new use scenario is discovered,
a new packaging configuration may be added. It should be noted that the
packaging of an interface configuration is subject to the component's underlying
capability as defined by the component's signature and semantic constraints
and will not alter this defined capability.
The importance of interface packaging can not be over emphasised. It
serves to relate the component to a context of use. In fact, much of the
requirements for the component is derived from the use scenarios. The roles
that a component plays in a use context are vital to the architectural
design of the enclosing system. It provides the basis for defining the
interactions between the components of the system and realising the system
functionality. It enables the relative independent development of the system
components with clearly defined interfaces as well as requirements.
In our approach, mechanisms are provided for specifying interface configurations
and roles within configurations. Additional constraints about component
interaction can be specified in association with roles and configurations.
Quality attributes (illities)
Another aspect of a component is its non-functional properties or quality
attributes, such as security, performance and reliability. In the context
of building systems from existing components, the characterization of the
components' illities and their impact on their enclosing systems are particularly
important because the components are usually provided as blackboxes. However,
there is not much work done in this area. Therefore, there is an urgent
need to develop the various illity models in the context of software components
and composition. For a particular quality attribute, we need to address
two issues: (1) how to characterize the quality attribute for a component,
and (2) how to analyse the component property's impact on the enclosing
system in a given context of use (i.e., in the context of a system architecture).
A related issue is whether the characterization of the quality attribute
will change in different contexts of use. Currently, we are investigating
the security properties of software components and their impact on system
composition in the context of developing distributed electronic commerce
systems [Han and Zheng, 1998]. In general, the interface definition of
component illity characterization will be dependent on the specific characterization
models developed. While we do not have definite models available yet, the
component specification framework proposed in our approach can be extended
to accommodate new models concerning quality attributes.
In our approach to software component specification, the properties, operation
and events form the signature of the component interface. The constraints
further restrict and make precise the definition (and hence the usage)
of the component interface. The signature and the constraints characterize
the component capability. The configurations are based on the component
use scenarios, and define specialised usages of the component. A configuration
identifies the roles and defines the role-based interfaces of the component
in a given use context. The component's non-functional properties are useful
in assessing the component's usability in given situations and in analysing
properties of the enclosing systems. In general, the proposed framework
provides the basis of notational and tool support for component-based system
development, composition and integration. It also contributes to the standardisation
of software component specification and its infrastructural support.
Our approach to component specification has been developed and
applied in the context of a real-world industrial project that concerns
the development of a telecommunications access network system involving
software and hardware codesign. Combined with object oriented analysis
techniques such as scenario analysis, the approach had been used in the
system's architecture design. Immediate benefits of using this framework
have been the clear definition of the subsystems/modules' capabilities
through their interfaces, the clear identification of the interactions
between the modules, and the analysis of system behaviour at architectural
level. This has significantly reduced the interaction between the teams
responsible for the various modules, and avoided many of the architectural
changes later in the development cycle that had been experienced in earlier
D. D'Souza and A.C. Wills, 1998. Objects, Components and Frameworks
with UML: The Catalysis Approach. Addison-Wesley.
D. Garlan, R. Allen and J. Ockerbloom, 1995. Architectural Mismatch: Why
reuse is so hard. IEEE Software, 12(6): 17-26.
J. Han, 1998a. Characterization of components. In Proceedings of 1998
International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, Kyoto,
Japan, pages 39-42.
J. Han, 1998b. A Comprehensive interface definition framework for software
components. In Proceedings of 1998 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering
Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Pages 110-117. IEEE Computer Society Press.
J. Han and Y. Zheng, 1998. Security Characterisation and integrity assurance
for software components and component-based systems. In Proceedings
of 1998 Australiasian Workshop on Software Architectures, Melbourne,
Australia, pages 83-89.
B. Meyer, 1997. Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition.
Prentice Hall.
C. Thompson. Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures: Workshop
Report. http://www.objs.com/workshops/ws9801/report.html, Monterey,
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