Accepted Workshops
WS1 – Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architectures (WASA) [Monday, full-day]
Organizers: Andreas Vogelsang, Harald Altinger, Miroslaw Staron, Yanja Dajsuren, Yaping Luo
With the advent of software and electronics, automotive companies are enabling innovation to improve safety, driver experience, and fuel efficiency. Increasing use of software over the years, introduced the paradigm shift by requiring automotive companies to develop their systems using architecture and model-based techniques. Although model-based techniques using e.g. MATLAB/Simulink and Stateflow are being accepted in the automotive industry as standard languages and tooling for developing automotive control software, the techniques for system and software architecture are still far from being widely accepted except from the AUTOSAR standard, which is used to create the software for the ECUs. The goal of this workshop is to address issues related to the appropriate automotive system/software architecture and engineering techniques, which can be accepted by the automotive industry. Therefore, to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of automotive system/software architecture and engineering, the international Workshop on Automotive Software Architectures (WASA) is being organized with the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), the premier gathering of software architecture and component based software engineering practitioners and researchers.
WS2 – International Workshop on Architecting with MicroServices (AMS) [Monday, full-day]
Organizers: Patricia Lago, Joost Bosman
Netflix, Amazon, The Guardian and other companies have evolved their applications towards the promising and challenging style of microservice architectures (MSAs). MSA arises from the broader area of Service Oriented Architecture and focuses on specific aspects, such as componentization of small services, application of agile practices for development, deployment and testing of services, usage of infrastructure automation with continuous delivery features, decentralized data management and decentralized service governance.
The goal of AMS 2017 is to gather researchers and practitioners to share challenges, solutions, and reflections on the frontiers of architecting with microservices. AMS 2017 will solicit contributions from both academic and industrial participants, thus fostering active synergy between the two communities.
WS3 – International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms (IoT-ASAP) [Tuesday, full-day]
Organizers: Romina Spalazzese, Marie Christin Platenius, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels
The Internet of Things (IoT) includes billions of heterogeneous, distributed, and intelligent things –both from the digital and the physical worlds– running applications and services from the Internet of Services (IoS). Things span, for instance, RFID tags, sensors, computers, plants, lamps, autonomous robots, and self-driving vehicles. Often, things are connected through heterogeneous platforms also providing support for, e.g., data collection, management, and applications deployment. Additionally, things can offer their functionalities as (web) services facilitating their dynamic interaction. A key aspect of engineering IoT systems is their architecture and a wide range of challenges needs to be addressed both at design and run-time. For instance: heterogeneity, adaptability, reusability, interoperability, uncertainty, security, and privacy while also taking into account the human in the loop bringing needs on the systems’ functionalities and qualities. Novel software architecture principles are needed to overcome these challenges for IoT systems. The objective of IoT-ASAP, International Workshop on Engineering IoT systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms, is to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e.g., Architecture, Internet of Things (IoT), Service-Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptive Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, User Interaction and Experience) to investigate and discuss state of-the-art, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for, engineering IoT systems.
WS4 – 2nd International Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH) [Tuesday, full-day]
Organizers: Maryam Razavian, Antony Tang, Hans van Vliet, Jan Carlson
Traditionally, software architecture is seen as the result of the software architecture design process, the solution, usually represented by a set of components and connectors. Recently, the “why” of the solution, the set of design decisions made by the software architect, is complementing or even replacing the solution-oriented definition of software architecture. Till now, most of the research around software architecture design decisions focused on capturing the design decisions.
The focus of the present workshop, MARCH, is on the process of making software architecture design decisions. In this workshop, we seek to explore and understand the decision making process, how different factors influence the quality of software architecture decisions, and ways to assure good software architecture decision making. Decision making research is an emerging field in software engineering and software architecture. Research papers that explore how to study decision making are relevant in this workshop. Understanding decision making process can be based on multiple scientific disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, and human computer interaction. Therefore we encourage interdisciplinary research papers that leverage and build upon the existing knowledge in the neighboring research fields.
WS5 – 1st International Workshop on the Social and Organizational Dimensions of Software Architecting (SODA) [Tuesday morning]
Organizers: Matthias Galster, Rick Kazman, Damian A. Tamburri
Software architecting is about making decisions that have system-wide impact and that shape the software product and the development process. While researchers and practitioners have tried to define and scope the role of the architect, social and organizational impacts on the architect and the architecting process are often neglected. The social aspects and the role of different players in the software development process have been previously examined within the broader context of software engineering (e.g., the CHASE and CSD workshop series at ICSE). The SODA workshop on the other hand focuses on the social and organizational dimensions in which architects produce their outputs. Also, in contrast to other venues, SODA focuses on the architect and the surrounding organization, and the process rather than on the architecture as the output of the architecting process. SODA aims at offering a venue for researchers, practitioners and educators within the software architecture domain to jointly discuss experiences, forge new collaborations, and explore innovative solutions in this area. This initial edition of the workshop focuses on two aspects related to the role of the software architect: (1) tasks performed and skills required from architects; (2) the wider social and organizational contexts of the architect.
WS6 – SWEBoK Evolution: Software Architecture Workshop (SESAW), now Birds of a Feather [Friday afternoon]
Organizers: Rich Hilliard, Steve Schwarm
OBS.: The SESAW workshop has become a Birds of a Feather session to be held on Friday, 13:30-15:00.
The goal of SESAW is to solicit feedback and new ideas for SWEBoK with special reference to the topic area of Software Architecture. The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBoK Guide) describes generally accepted knowledge about software engineering across 15 knowledge areas (KAs). Recognizing the role of ICSA as the premier event in Software Architecture for both practitioners and academics, contributions are sought from the community as work begins on the next iteration of SWEBoK.
Important dates
Proposal submission deadline: 14 November 2016Proposal acceptance notification: 21 November 2016Proposals web: 19 December 2016Workshop papers due: 23 February 2017OBS.: Check workshops dedicated websites for potential deadline extensionsPapers notification: 15 March 2017OBS.: Check workshops dedicated websites for potential deadline extensionsCamera-ready due: 21 March 2017OBS.: Check workshops dedicated websites for potential deadline extensions
More Information
For more information please contact the Workshops Program Committee Chairs:
Rafael Capilla – Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain – rafael.capilla(at)
Ivano Malavolta – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands – i.malavolta(at)