April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
April 6th
April 7th
08:00-08:30 Registration
Rooms foyer
Rooms foyer
Hall foyer
Hall foyer
Hall foyer
08:30-09:00 Opening
09:00-10:00 WS1: WASA Kelvin WS2: AMS Tesla TUT1: Architecture Evaluation Aktiviteten TUT2: ThingML Newton WS3: IOT-ASAP Tesla WS4: MARCH
WS5: SODA Aktiviteten TUT5: Mini-QAW Newton TUT6: Runtime Modeling Demo studio Young Researchers Forum Windows (Kuggen) Keynote: Brendan Bank
Keynote: Frances Paulisch
Keynote: Sam Malek
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Coffee break
Hall foyer
Coffee break
Hall foyer
Coffee break
Hall foyer
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Young Researchers Forum Windows (Kuggen) TS1: Microservices
Industry Track 1
TS6: Collaborative Design and Decision Making
TS7: Quality
TS10: Automotive
TS11: Cyber-physical Systems and IoT
11:00-11:30 WS1: WASA Kelvin WS2: AMS Tesla TUT1: Architecture Evaluation Aktiviteten TUT2: ThingML Newton WS3: IOT-ASAP Tesla WS4: MARCH
WS5: SODA Aktiviteten TUT5: Mini-QAW Newton TUT6: Runtime Modeling Demo studio
11:30-12:00 Awards Session
12:00-12:30 Lunch
Hall foyer
Lunch + Tool
Hall foyer
Hall foyer
12:30-13:30 Lunch
L's Resto
L's Resto
L's Resto
13:30-14:00 Young Researchers Forum Windows (Kuggen) Keynote: Martin Hiller
Industry Track 2
Tool Papers
TS12: Traceability
Birds of a Feather
14:00-14:30 WS1: WASA Kelvin WS2: AMS Tesla TUT1: Architecture Evaluation Aktiviteten TUT3: GEMOC Demo studio TUT4: Quantitative Verification Newton WS3: IOT-ASAP Tesla WS4: MARCH
TUT7: TechDebt Newton TUT6: Runtime Modeling Demo studio
14:30-15:00 TS2: Cloud
TS3: Web Applications
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Coffee break + Tool
Hall foyer
Coffee break
Hall foyer
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Coffee break
Rooms foyer
Young Researchers Forum Windows (Kuggen) Coffee break
Hall foyer
TS8: Analysis and Technical Debt
TS9: Continuous Evolution
TS13: Block Chain
16:00-17:00 WS1: WASA Kelvin WS2: AMS Tesla TUT1: Architecture Evaluation Aktiviteten TUT3: GEMOC Demo studio TUT4: Quantitative Verification Newton WS3: IOT-ASAP Tesla WS4: MARCH
TUT7: TechDebt Newton TUT6: Runtime Modeling Demo studio TS4: Security
TS5: Architectural Knowledge
17:00-17:30 Closing + ICSA 2018 Presentation
17:30-19:00 Steering Committee Meeting
Chalmersska huset
Welcome Reception
Hall foyer
Tour + Conference Dinner
20:00-22:00 Steering Committee Dinner
Chalmersska huset





Monday, April 3rd

WS1: Workshop on Automotive Software Architectures (WASA) - 09:00-17:30
Room: Kelvin
Organizers: Andreas Vogelsang, Harald Altinger, Miroslaw Staron, Yanja Dajsuren, Yaping Luo
With the advent of software and electronics, automotive companies are enabling innovation to improve safety, driver experience, and fuel efficiency. Increasing use of software over the years, introduced the paradigm shift by requiring automotive companies to develop their systems using architecture and model-based techniques. Although model-based techniques using e.g. MATLAB/Simulink and Stateflow are being accepted in the automotive industry as standard languages and tooling for developing automotive control software, the techniques for system and software architecture are still far from being widely accepted except from the AUTOSAR standard, which is used to create the software for the ECUs. The goal of this workshop is to address issues related to the appropriate automotive system/software architecture and engineering techniques, which can be accepted by the automotive industry. Therefore, to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of automotive system/software architecture and engineering, the international Workshop on Automotive Software Architectures (WASA) is being organized with the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), the premier gathering of software architecture and component based software engineering practitioners and researchers.

Website: http://www.win.tue.nl/wasa2017/
WS2: Workshop on Architecting with MicroServices (AMS) - 09:00-17:30
Room: Tesla
Organizers: Patricia Lago, Joost Bosman
Netflix, Amazon, The Guardian and other companies have evolved their applications towards the promising and challenging style of microservice architectures (MSAs). MSA arises from the broader area of Service Oriented Architecture and focuses on specific aspects, such as componentization of small services, application of agile practices for development, deployment and testing of services, usage of infrastructure automation with continuous delivery features, decentralized data management and decentralized service governance. The goal of AMS 2017 is to gather researchers and practitioners to share challenges, solutions, and reflections on the frontiers of architecting with microservices. AMS 2017 will solicit contributions from both academic and industrial participants, thus fostering active synergy between the two communities.

Website: https://ams2017.github.io/
TUT1: How to Evaluate Software Architectures - 09:00-17:30
Room: Aktiviteten
Organizers: Jens Knodel and Mathias Naab
Thorough and continuous architecting is the key to overall success in software engineering, and architecture evaluation is a crucial part of it. This tutorial presents a pragmatic architecture evaluation approach and insights gained from its application in more than 75 projects with industrial customers in the past decade. It presents context factors, empirical data, and example cases, as well as lessons learned on mitigating the risk of change through architecture evaluation. By providing comprehensive answers to many typical questions and discussing lessons learned, the tutorial allows the audience to not only learn how to conduct architecture evaluations and interpret its results, but also to become aware of risks such as false conclusions, manipulating data, and unsound lines of argument. The target audience includes both practitioners and researchers. It encourages practitioners to conduct architecture evaluations. At the same time, it offers researchers insights into industrial architecture evaluations, which can inspire future research directions.
TUT2 - ThingML: A Generative Approach to Engineer Heterogeneous and Distributed Systems - 09:00-12:30
Room: Newton
Organizers: Franck Fleurey and Brice Morin
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) typically rely on a highly heterogeneous interconnection of platforms and devices offering a diversity of complementary capabilities: from cloud server with their virtually unlimited resources to tiny microcontrollers supporting the connection to the physical world. This tutorial presents ThingML, a tool-supported Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) approach targeting the heterogeneity and distribution challenges associated with the development of CPS. ThingML is based on a domain specific modelling languages integrating state-of-the-art concepts for modeling distributed systems, and comes with a set of compilers targeting a large set of platforms and communication protocols. ThingML has been iteratively elaborated over the past years based on a set of experiences and projects aiming at applying the state of the art in MDSE in practical contexts and with different industry partners.
TUT3: Language Engineering with The GEMOC Studio - 14:00-17:30
Room: Demo Studio
Organizers: Olivier Barais, Benoît Combemale and Andreas Wortmann
This tutorial provides a practical approach for developing and integrating various Domain-Specific (modeling) Languages (DSLs) used in the development of modern complex software-intensive systems, with the main objective to support abstraction and separation of concerns. The tutorial leverages on the tooling provided by the GEMOC studio to present the various facilities offered by the Eclipse platform (incl., EMF/Ecore, Xtext, Sirius). Then the tutorial introduces the advanced features of the GEMOC Studio to extend a DSL with a well-defined execution semantics, possibly including formal concurrency constraints and coordination patterns. From such a specification, we demonstrate the ability of the studio to automatically support model execution, graphical animation, omniscient debugging, concurrency analysis and concurrent execution of heterogeneous models. The tutorial is composed of both lectures and hands-on sessions. Hands-on sessions allow participants to experiment on a concrete use case of an architecture description language used to coordinate heterogeneous behavioral and structural components.
TUT4 - Software Quality Analysis with Observation-Enhanced Quantitative Verification - 14:00-17:30
Room: Newton
Organizer: Radu Calinescu
Quantitative verification (QV) is a powerful tool for the analysis of performance, dependability and other quality properties of software systems. Supported by today’s fast probabilistic model checkers, QV can analyse these properties for alternative designs and existing software, in domains ranging from service-based systems and cloud computing to embedded systems. Recent advances have dramatically improved the usefulness and accuracy of this analysis by exploiting observations of the software or its components, available for instance from logs, unit testing or monitoring. This tutorial will provide an introduction to the quantitative verification of software quality with the probabilistic model checker PRISM, followed by a presentation of two advanced techniques for observation- enhanced quantitative verification. The first technique computes confidence intervals for the analysed quality properties using parametric Markov models of the software system. The second technique refines the Markov models used to assess quality properties of component-based software by exploiting observations of the execution times of its components. Both techniques can significantly reduce the risk of invalid software engineering decisions, and are fully supported by new QV tools. The tutorial will include short exercises and practical demonstrations of PRISM and of the new QV tools. Attending it will benefit researchers and practitioners from the area of software performance and dependability engineering, as well as those interested in formal approaches to the modelling, analysis and verification of quality aspects of software.


Tuesday, April 4th

WS3: Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms - 09:00-17:30
Room: Tesla
Organizers: Romina Spalazzese, Marie Christin Platenius, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels
The Internet of Things (IoT) includes billions of heterogeneous, distributed, and intelligent things – both from the digital and the physical worlds– running applications and services from the Internet of Services (IoS). Things span, for instance, RFID tags, sensors, computers, plants, lamps, autonomous robots, and self-driving vehicles. Often, things are connected through heterogeneous platforms also providing support for, e.g., data collection, management, and applications deployment. Additionally, things can offer their functionalities as (web) services facilitating their dynamic interaction. A key aspect of engineering IoT systems is their architecture and a wide range of challenges needs to be addressed both at design and run-time. For instance: heterogeneity, adaptability, reusability, interoperability, uncertainty, security, and privacy while also taking into account the human in the loop bringing needs on the systems’ functionalities and qualities. Novel software architecture principles are needed to overcome these challenges for IoT systems. The objective of IoT-ASAP, International Workshop on Engineering IoT systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms, is to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e.g., Architecture, Internet of Things (IoT), Service-Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptive Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, User Interaction and Experience) to investigate and discuss state of-the-art, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for, engineering IoT systems.

Website: http://iot-asap.cs.upb.de
WS4: Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH) - 09:00-17:30
Room: Kelvin
Organizers: Maryam Razavian, Antony Tang, Hans van Vliet, Jan Carlson
Traditionally, software architecture is seen as the result of the software architecture design process, the solution, usually represented by a set of components and connectors. Recently, the “why” of the solution, the set of design decisions made by the software architect, is complementing or even replacing the solution-oriented definition of software architecture. Till now, most of the research around software architecture design decisions focused on capturing the design decisions. The focus of the present workshop, MARCH, is on the process of making software architecture design decisions. In this workshop, we seek to explore and understand the decision making process, how different factors influence the quality of software architecture decisions, and ways to assure good software architecture decision making. Decision making research is an emerging field in software engineering and software architecture. Research papers that explore how to study decision making are relevant in this workshop. Understanding decision making process can be based on multiple scientific disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, and human computer interaction. Therefore we encourage interdisciplinary research papers that leverage and build upon the existing knowledge in the neighboring research fields.

Website: http://is.ieis.tue.nl/research/bpm/MARCH16/
WS5: Workshop on the Social and Organizational Dimensions of Software Architecting (SODA) - 09:00-12:30
Room: Aktiviteten
Organizers: Matthias Galster, Rick Kazman, Damian A. Tamburri
Software architecting is about making decisions that have system-wide impact and that shape the software product and the development process. While researchers and practitioners have tried to define and scope the role of the architect, social and organizational impacts on the architect and the architecting process are often neglected. The social aspects and the role of different players in the software development process have been previously examined within the broader context of software engineering (e.g., the CHASE and CSD workshop series at ICSE). The SODA workshop on the other hand focuses on the social and organizational dimensions in which architects produce their outputs. Also, in contrast to other venues, SODA focuses on the architect and the surrounding organization, and the process rather than on the architecture as the output of the architecting process. SODA aims at offering a venue for researchers, practitioners and educators within the software architecture domain to jointly discuss experiences, forge new collaborations, and explore innovative solutions in this area. This initial edition of the workshop focuses on two aspects related to the role of the software architect: (1) tasks performed and skills required from architects; (2) the wider social and organizational contexts of the architect.

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/1stsoda2017/
WS6: SWEBoK Evolution: Software Architecture Workshop (SESAW) [Now Birds of a Feather (Friday, 13:30-15:00)]
Organizers: Rich Hilliard and Steve Schwarm

OBS.: The SESAW workshop has become a Birds of a Feather session to be held on Friday, 13:30-15:00.

Website: http://www.mit.edu/~richh/SWEBoK-evolution/SESAW/
TUT5 - Discover Quality Requirements with the Mini-QAW - 09:00-12:30
Room: Newton
Organizer: Thijmen de Gooijer
Good quality requirements help you to make the right architectural decisions but collecting your requirements is not always easy. The Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW) helps teams effectively gather requirements but can be costly and cumbersome to organize. The mini-QAW is a short (a few hours to a full day) workshop designed for inexperienced facilitators and a great fit for teams practicing Agile methods. Variants of the mini-QAW exist for both face-to-face and remote collaboration. The mini-QAW method has been used successfully by several groups throughout the world. It is finding its place as a standard tool among many software architects. During this session we will walk participants through a mini-QAW simulation. By the end of the session participants will have learned about and applied some of the core mini-QAW activities including scenario brainstorming using a “system properties web”, creating stakeholder empathy maps, and visual voting. The mini-QAW combines these activities with a tuned agenda (compared to the traditional QAW) to create a fast, effective, and fun workshop many teams can easily adopt and succeed with. By the end of the session participants will have gained first-hand experience facilitating and participating in the workshop that will let them use the method with their teams back home.
TUT6 - Architectural Runtime Modeling and Visualization for Quality-Aware DevOps in Cloud Applications - 09:00-17:30
Room: Demo Studio
Organizers: Robert Heinrich, Christian Zirkelbach and Reiner Jung
Cloud-based software applications are designed to change during operations to provide constant quality of service. This leads to increasing blurring of the boundary between development and operations. In this tutorial, we present approaches to address gaps between architectural modeling in development and operations and thus allow for phase-spanning usage of architectural models. The foundation is maintaining the semantic relationships between monitoring outcomes and architectural models. We discuss the integration of development models, code generation, monitoring, runtime model updates, as well as adaptation candidate generation and execution. We describe the combination of descriptive and prescriptive architectural models to improve the communication and collaboration between operators and developers. The consideration of static and dynamic content in architectural models supports operation-level analysis and adaptations. Furthermore, we present different architectural runtime model visualizations, which allow detecting the above mentioned gaps for development on the one hand and for operating on the other hand.
TUT7 - Strategic Management of Technical Debt - 14:00-17:30
Room: Newton
Organizer: Philippe Kruchten
The technical debt metaphor acknowledges that software development teams sometimes accept compromises in a system in one dimension (for example, modularity) to meet an urgent demand in some other dimension (for example, a deadline), and that such compromises incur a “debt”. If not properly managed the interest on this debt may continue to accrue, severely hampering system stability and quality and impacting the team’s ability to deliver enhancements at a pace that satisfies business needs. Although unmanaged debt can have disastrous results, strategically managed debt can help businesses and organizations take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities, fulfill market needs and acquire stakeholder feedback. Because architecture has such leverage within the overall development life cycle, strategic management of architectural debt is of primary importance. Some aspects of technical debt – but not all technical debt – affect product quality. This tutorial introduces the technical debt metaphor and the techniques for measuring and communicating this technical debt, integrating it fully with the software development lifecycle.
Young Researchers Forum - 09:00-17:30
Room: Windows (Kuggen building)
Organizers: Ipek Ozkaya and Christian Berger
YRF Keynote speaker: Philippe Kruchten - 09:00-10:00
Philippe Kruchten is professor of software engineering in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He holds an NSERC chair in design engineering. He joined UBC in 2004 after a 30-year career in industry, where he worked mostly in with large, software-intensive systems design in the domains of telecommunication, defense, aerospace and transportation. Some of his experience is embodied in the Rational Unified Process (RUP) whose development he directed from 1996 until 2003, when Rational Software was bought by IBM. RUP includes an architectural design method, known as “RUP 4+1 views”.
His current research interests still reside mostly with software architecture, and in particular architectural decisions and the decision process, as well as agile software engineering processes. He is a founding member of IFIP WG2.10 Software Architecture. Dr. Kruchten received his mechanical engineering diploma from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and his doctorate degree in Information Systems from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris. He is a member of IEEE, ACM and AIS, and a Professional Engineer in British Columbia.

Website: https://www.ece.ubc.ca/faculty/philippe-kruchten
YRF Session: Extracting Architecture Information - 10:30-12:00
Title Authors Duration
Motivation and Impact of Modeling Erosion using Static Architecture Conformance Checking Tobias Olsson, Morgan Ericsson and Anna Wingkvist 10mins +
10mins discussion
Architectural Design Group Decision-Making in Agile Projects Socrates Veridiano Faria Lopes and Plinio Thomaz Aquino Jr 10mins +
10mins discussion
Automatic Uncertainty Detection in Software Architecture Documentation Klym Shumaiev and Manoj Bhat 10mins +
10mins discussion
A Catalog of Security Architecture Weaknesses Joanna Cecilia Da Silva Santos, Katy Tarrit and Mehdi Mirakhorli 10mins +
10mins discussion
Discussion 10mins
YRF Panel and Open Discussion: Experiences Across Research Careers - 13:30-15:00
Bara Buhnova, Masaryk University
Neil A. Ernst, SEI
Christian Grante, AB Volvo
Heiko Koziolek, ABB
Mehdi Mirakhorli, RIT
YRF Session: Architecture Patterns and Frameworks - 15:30-17:00
Title Authors Duration
Architecting Microservices Paolo Di Francesco 10mins +
10mins discussion
A Web-based Reference Architecture for Mobile Learning: Its Quality Aspects and Evaluation Janosch Zbick 10mins +
10mins discussion
Semantics-Driven Optimistic Data Replication - Towards a Framework Supporting Software Architects and Developers Susanne Braun 10mins +
10mins discussion
Current Challenges in Software Performance Engineering for Multicore Systems Markus Frank and Marcus Hilbrich 10mins +
10mins discussion
Discussion 10mins


Wednesday, April 5th

Conference Opening - 08:30-09:00
Room: Hall
Keynote: Data Driven Scaling Booking.com’s Infrastructure - 09:00-10:00
Room: Hall
Speaker: Brendan Bank (Booking.com) Chair: Jan Bosch
Since the day Booking.com started in 1996 we have built and optimised for growth, which has taken us rapidly from a small start-up to one of the world’s leading technology companies. To keep up with this growth we have made some very explicit architecture choices early-on which proved highly effective. We can call the top computer hardware companies and they are happy to provide us with as much iron as we want. However finding talented, data driven engineers is much more difficult. For the technology teams to keep up with our business growth, we needed to scale our architecture and technical infrastructure much faster than what Moore’s Law could give us in terms of improvements in compute power and data storage. Our architectural focus has been not to make it “pretty” but to make it work quickly and pragmatically, following the needs of our customers which always come first. This resulted in an architecture that allowed our business to grow into one of the most successful global eCommerce companies. This keynote discusses the evolution of the Booking.com software architecture over the last 20 years, the major design decisions that we have made to support the phenomenal business growth and provides an insight into the key software architecture concerns that we face going forward.
TS1 - Technical Session: Microservices - 10:30-12:00
Room: Pascal
Chair: Philippe Kruchten
Title Authors Duration
Microservice Ambients: An Architectural Meta-modelling Approach for Microservice Granularity Sara Hassan, Nour Ali and Rami Bahsoon 30mins
Workload-based Clustering of Coherent Feature Sets in Microservice Architectures Sander Klock, Jan Martijn van der Werf, Jan Pieter Guelen and Slinger Jansen 30mins
Research on Architecting Microservices: Trends, Focus, and Potential for Industrial Adoption Paolo Di Francesco, Patricia Lago and Ivano Malavolta 30mins
Industry Track 1 - Microservices & Cloud - 10:30-12:00
Room: Tesla
Organizers: Rich Hilliard and Heiko Koziolek
Title Authors Duration
Microservice Architectures for Scalability, Agility and Reliability in E-Commerce Wilhelm Hasselbring and Guido Steinacker 20mins
Using Docker to Implement a Microservice Architecture - an Experience Report Dan Tofan, Matthias Galster and Andrei Pruteanu 20mins
System for collection and processing of smart home sensor data David Gesvindr, Barbora Buhnova and Jana Michalkova 20mins
Discussion 30mins
Keynote: Surviving in an increasingly computerized and software driven automotive industry - 13:30-14:30
Room: Hall
Speaker: Martin Hiller (Volvo Cars Corporation) Chair: Marija Mikic
The automotive industry, and the car, is in for an exciting ride over the next decade. Electronics and software are the battle fields for innovation, and only players who master those areas can survive the turmoil. New players with a background in computer systems and software have clear advantages in that respect. Incumbents (all of us with a history in a more traditional mechanical background), need to quickly adapt and learn to successfully compete with those new players. The way we see it, two major transformations are imperative for our long-term survival: 1) adopting an in-vehicle electronic system that is based on an integrated computing platform (a “computer-on-wheels”) with mechatronic capabilities and 2) becoming an efficient and agile developer of high-quality software. The way we approach our software architecture will be key to succeeding in these transformations.
TS2 - Technical Session: Cloud - 14:30-15:30
Room: Pascal
Chair: Ralf Reussner
Title Authors Duration
Quality Evaluation of PaaS Cloud Application Design using Generated Prototypes David Gesvindr, Barbora Buhnova and Ondrej Gasior 30mins
Towards a Reference Architecture for Cloud-based Plant Genotyping and Phenotyping Analysis Frameworks Banani Roy, Amit Mondal, Chanchal Roy, Kevin Schneider and Kawser Wazed 30mins
TS3 - Technical Session: Web Applications - 14:30-15:30
Room: Tesla
Chair: Robert Heinrich
Title Authors Duration
Comparing the Built-In Application Architecture Models in the Web Browser Antero Taivalsaari, Tommi Mikkonen, Cesare Pautasso and Kari Systä 15mins
A Framework for the Structural Analysis of REST APIs Florian Haupt, Frank Leymann, Anton Scherer and Karolina Vukojevic-Haupt 15mins
Discussion 30mins
TS4 - Technical Session: Security - 16:00-17:30
Room: Pascal
Chair: Riccardo Scandariato
Title Authors Duration
Determination and Enforcement of Least-Privilege Architecture in Android Mahmoud Hammad, Hamid Bagheri and Sam Malek 30mins
Understanding Software Vulnerabilities Related to Architectural Security Tactics: An Empirical Investigation of Chromium, PHP and Thunderbird Joanna Cecilia Da Silva Santos, Anthony Peruma, Mehdi Mirakhorli, Matthias Galster, Jairo Pavel Veloz Vidal and Adriana Sejfia 30mins
Discussion 30mins
TS5 - Technical Session: Architectural Knowledge - 16:00-17:30
Room: Tesla
Chair: Antony Tang
Title Authors Duration
Experiments in Curation: Towards Machine-Assisted Construction of Software Architecture Knowledge Bases Ian Gorton, Rouchen Xu, Yiming Yang, Hanxiao Liu and Guoqing Zheng 30mins
Developing an ontology for architecture knowledge from developer communities Mohamed Soliman, Matthias Galster and Matthias Riebisch 15mins
Digital Space Systems Engineering through Semantic Data Models Tobias Hoppe, Harald Eisenmann, Alexander Viehl and Oliver Bringmann 15mins
Discussion 30mins


Thursday, April 6th

Keynote: Accelerating Change - 09:00-10:00
Room: Hall
Speaker: Frances Paulisch (Siemens AG) Chair: Ivica Crnkovic
The world around us is changing rapidly and has become much harder to predict. Having the right balance between traditional and more modern approaches becomes key, e.g. discipline vs. agility, up-front planning vs. more continuous approaches, and centralized vs. decentralized decision making. It is increasingly essential to enable the benefits of speed and flexibility while continuously delivering customer value and do so without compromises on quality. This keynote focuses on multiple topics, including software architecture and the right mindset, that enable us to accelerate change in our systems to keep pace in today’s dynamically changing and software-driven world. In particular they allow for a more “continuous” approach, in both development and operations (DevOps), in a broad range of industrial domains.
TS6 - Technical Session: Collaborative Design and Decision Making - 10:30-12:00
Room: Pascal
Chair: Danny Weyns
Title Authors Duration
Continuous Analysis of Collaborative Design Jae Young Bang, Yuriy Brun and Nenad Medvidovic 30mins
Human Aspects in Software Architecture Decision Making: A Literature Review Antony Tang, Maryam Razavian, Barbara Paech and Tom-Michael Hesse 30mins
Modeling Context with an Architecture Viewpoint Adriatik Bedjeti, Patricia Lago, Grace Lewis, Remco de Boer and Rich Hilliard 15mins
Discussion 15mins
TS7 - Technical Session: Quality - 10:30-12:00
Room: Tesla
Chair: Ian Gorton
Title Authors Duration
Challenges on the Relationship between Architectural Patterns and Quality Attributes Gianantonio Me, Patricia Lago and Giuseppe Procaccianti 15mins
Designing Robust Software Systems through Parametric Markov Chain Synthesis Radu Calinescu, Milan Ceska, Simos Gerasimou, Marta Kwiatkowska and Nicola Paoletti 30mins
Accurate Analysis of Quality Properties of Software with Observation-Based Markov Chain Refinement Colin Paterson and Radu Calinescu 30mins
Discussion 15mins
IFIP WG 2.10 - 10:30-17:00
Room: Newton
Industry Track 2 - Architecture Quality - 13:30-15:00
Room: Pascal
Organizers: Rich Hilliard and Heiko Koziolek
Title Authors Duration
Quality Attribute Trade-Offs in Industrial Control Software Systems Thanikesavan Sivanthi, Michael Wahler, Raphael Eidenbenz, Aurelien Monot and Manuel Oriol 20mins
Communication Overhead Reduction by Algorithmic Redundancy in Embedded Systems Hannes Klee, Michael Buchholz, Torben Materna and Klaus Dietmayer 20mins
Software architecture decoupling at Ericsson Oscar Bjuhr, Klas Segeljakt, Mattin Addibpour, Franz Heiser and Robert Lagerström 20mins
A Reflexion Model based Architecture Conformance Analysis Toolkit for OSGi-compliant Applications Evren Çilden and Halit Oguztüzün 20mins
Discussion 10mins
Tool Papers - 13:30-15:00
Room: Tesla
Organizers: Paris Avgeriou and Barbora Buhnova
Title Authors Duration
ArchiMedes - Publication and Integration of Architectural Knowledge Remco C. de Boer 10mins
Querying Software Architecture Knowledge as Linked Open Data Klaas Andries de Graaf, Antony Tang, Peng Liang and Ali Khalili 10mins
ActivFORMS: A Runtime Environment for Architecture-Based Adaptation with Guarantees Muhammad Usman Iftikhar and Danny Weyns 10mins
Arcan: a Tool for Architectural Smells Detection Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Ilaria Pigazzini, Riccardo Roveda, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Marco Zanoni and Elisabetta Di Nitto 10mins
CAPS: A Tool for Architecting Situational-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems Henry Muccini and Mohammad Sharaf 10mins
Parallel and Generic Pipe-and-Filter Architectures with TeeTime Christian Wulf, Wilhelm Hasselbring and Johannes Ohlemacher 10mins
CASPA: A Platform for Comparability of Architecture-based Software Performance Engineering Approaches Thomas F. Düllmann, Robert Heinrich, André van Hoorn, Teerat Pitakrat, Jürgen Walter and Felix Willnecker 10mins
MicroART: A Software Architecture Recovery Tool for Maintaining Microservice-based Systems Giona Granchelli, Mario Cardarelli, Paolo Di Francesco, Ivano Malavolta, Ludovico Iovino and Amleto Di Salle 10mins
Discussion 10mins
TS8 - Technical Session: Analysis and Technical Debt - 15:30-17:00
Room: Pascal
Chair: Noël Plouzeau
Title Authors Duration
Semantic Differencing for Message-Driven Component & Connector Architectures Arvid Butting, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe and Andreas Wortmann 30mins
On the Understandability of Semantic Constraints for Behavioral Software Architecture Compliance: A Controlled Experiment Christoph Czepa, Huy Tran, Uwe Zdun, Thanh Tran Thi Kim, Erhard Weiss and Christoph Ruhsam 30mins
What to Fix? Distinguishing between design and non-design rules in automated tools Neil Ernst, Stephany Bellomo, Ipek Ozkaya and Robert Nord 15mins
Discussion 15mins
TS9 - Technical Session: Continuous Evolution - 15:30-17:00
Room: Tesla
Chair: Bara Buhnova
Title Authors Duration
Continuous Integration Impediments in Large-Scale Industry Projects Torvald Mårtensson, Daniel Ståhl and Jan Bosch 30mins
Architecture-based Change Impact Analysis in Information Systems and Business Processes Kiana Rostami, Robert Heinrich, Axel Busch and Ralf Reussner 30mins
Continuous Architectural Knowledge Integration: Making Heterogeneous Architectural Knowledge Available in Large-Scale Organizations Juergen Musil, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Marta Sabou, Tudor Ionescu, Daniel Schall and Stefan Biffl 15mins
Discussion 15mins


Friday, April 7th

Keynote: Android Security from a Software Architectural Perspective - 09:00-10:00
Room: Pascal
Speaker: Sam Malek (University of California, USA) Chair: Patrizio Pelliccione
Extensive support for architecture-based software development in Android has played a key role in its success as the dominant mobile platform. Architectural constructs, such as reusable software components and domain-specific architectural styles, provisioned by the Android development framework, have dramatically improved app developer productivity, enabled the platform to overcome resource constraints, and generally contributed to the realization of a vibrant app ecosystem. In parallel with Android’s meteoric rise in popularity, however, we have been witnessing an alarming escalation in the number and sophistication of the security threats targeted at Android. In this talk, I will demonstrate how misconceived architectural principles are the root cause of a broad set of security vulnerabilities in Android. I will then describe a variety of techniques developed over the past few years to mitigate these issues. Finally, I will conclude the talk with an overview of the lessons learned and the opportunities for future research.
TS10 - Technical Session: Automotive - 10:30-11:30
Room: Tesla
Chairs: Magnus Antonsson and Uwe Zdun
Title Authors Duration
On Service-Orientation for Automotive Software Stefan Kugele, Philipp Obergfell, Manfred Broy, Oliver Creighton, Matthias Traub and Wolfgang Hopfensitz 30mins
Design Criteria to Architect Continuous Experimentation for Self-Driving Vehicles Federico Giaimo and Christian Berger 30mins
TS11 - Technical Session: Cyber-physical Systems and IoT - 10:30-11:30
Room: Pascal
Chair: Sam Malek
Title Authors Duration
CAPS: Architecture Description of Situational Aware Cyber Physical Systems Henry Muccini and Mohammad Sharaf 30mins
Architecting Emergent Configurations in the Internet of Things Fahed Alkhabbas, Romina Spalazzese and Paul Davidsson 15mins
Discussion 15mins
Awards Session - 11:30-12:00
Room: Pascal
TS12 - Technical Session: Traceability - 13:30-15:00
Room: Pascal
Chair: Radu Calinescu
Title Authors Duration
Mapping Features to Source Code through Product Line Architecture: Traceability and Conformance Yongjie Zheng, Cuong Cu and Hazeline Asuncion 30mins
Traceability Metrics as Early Predictors of Software Defects? Bashar Nassar and Riccardo Scandariato 15mins
Bidirectional Mapping between Architecture and Code for Synchronization Van Cam Pham, Ansgar Radermacher, Sébastien Gérard and Shuai Li 15mins
Discussion 30mins
Birds of a Feather (BoF) - 13:30-15:00
Room: Tesla
Organizer: Rich Hilliard
This BOF is a community meeting to solicit feedback and new ideas for SWEBoK with special reference to the topic area of Software Architecture. Since 2004, The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBoK Guide) has described generally accepted knowledge about software engineering across 15 knowledge areas. The current SWEBoK V3.0 (and future editions) is available as a public wiki: http://swebokwiki.org. Recognizing the role of ICSA as the premier event in Software Architecture for practitioners, educators and researchers, contributions are sought from the community as work begins on the next iteration of SWEBoK. The BoF willl provide an overview of the current revision effort and invite feedback on existing content and solicits new ideas for SWEBoK specifically related to the area of Software Architecture, including: • user feedback, experiences, identified gaps, and lessons learned in applying SWEBoK in reference to architecture-related knowledge in industry or academic settings; • new architecture-relevant topics for consideration, topics in need of refreshment or update; • insights and proposals for organization of architecture-relevant knowledge in SWEBoK; • interaction and integration with other topic areas (e.g. Requirements, Design, Deployment) and with outside sources (including standards, publications, other bodies of knowledge such as EITBoK and SEBoK); and • enabling technologies for delivery and usage (e.g., semantic wikis, ontologies, meta data, rich media).

More about SWEBoK Evolution: http://www.mit.edu/~richh/SWEBoK-evolution/
TS13 - Technical Session: Block Chain - 15:30-17:00
Room: Pascal
Chairs: Ivano Malavolta and Rich Hilliard
Title Authors Duration
A Taxonomy of Blockchain-based Systems for Architecture Design Xiwei Xu, Ingo Weber, Liming Zhu, Mark Staples, Jan Bosch, Len Bass, Cesare Pautasso and Paul Rimba 30mins
Predicting Latency of Blockchain-Based Systems Using Architectural Modelling and Simulation Rajitha Yasaweerasinghelage, Mark Staples and Ingo Weber 15mins
Comparing Blockchain and Cloud Services for Business Process Execution Paul Rimba, An Binh Tran, Ingo Weber, Mark Staples, Alexander Ponomarev and Xiwei Xu 15mins
Discussion 30mins
Conference Closing + ICSA 2018 Presentation - 17:00-17:30
Room: Pascal