Wednesday 16:00-17:30 - Design Decisions 2 - Chairs: Patricia Lago and Anne Koziolek |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Defeasible argumentation of software architectures |
José Miguel Cañete-Valdeón, Antonio Ruiz Cortés and Miguel Toro Bonilla |
30 minutes |
Considering Not-quantified Quality Attributes in an Automated Design Space Exploration |
Axel Busch and Anne Koziolek |
30 minutes |
On the Architecture of Liquid Software: Technology Alternatives and Design Space |
Andrea Gallidabino, Cesare Pautasso, Ville Ilvonen, Tommi Mikkonen, Kari Systä, Jari-Pekka Voutilainen and Antero Taivalsaari |
15 minutes |
Architectural Knowledge for Technology Decisions in Developer Communities: An Exploratory Study with StackOverflow |
Mohamed Soliman, Matthias Galster, Amr Rekaby Salama and Matthias Riebisch |
15 minutes |
Wednesday 14:00-15:30 - Modeling for Quality 1 - Chair: Flavio Oquendo |
Authors |
Time/duration |
AQAF: an Architecture Quality Assurance Framework for systems modeled in AADL |
Andreas Johnsen, Kristina Lundqvist, Kaj Hänninen, Paul Pettersson and Martin Torelm |
30 minutes |
Modeling the Failure Pathology of Software Components |
Joao M. Franco, Frederico Cerveira, Raul Barbosa and Mário Zenha-Rela |
30 minutes |
Flow Sensitive Slicing for MATLAB/Simulink Models |
Thomas Gerlitz and Stefan Kowalewski |
30 minutes |
Wednesday 16:00-17:30 - Working Session: Modeling for Quality 2 - Chairs: Ralf Reussner and Barbora Buhnova |
Authors |
Time/duration |
An Architecture-aware Approach to Hierarchical Online Failure Prediction |
Teerat Pitakrat, Dušan Okanović, André van Hoorn and Lars Grunske |
30 minutes |
Model-Driven Observability for Big Data Storage |
John Klein, Ian Gorton, Laila Alhmoud, Joel Gao, Caglayan Gemici, Rajat Kapoor, Prasanth Nair and Varun Saravagi |
15 minutes |
Specifying Architecture Behavior with SysADL |
Flavio Oquendo, Jair Leite and Thais Batista |
15 minutes |
Discussion |
30 minutes |
Wednesday 11:00-12:30 - Architectural Refactoring - Chair: Cesare Pautasso |
Authors |
Time/duration |
An experience report on detecting and repairing software architecture erosion |
Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Riccardo Roveda, Marco Zanoni, Claudia Raibulet and Rafael Capilla |
30 minutes |
Characterizing Implicit Communal Components as Technical Debt in Automotive Software Systems |
Andreas Vogelsang, Henning Femmer and Maximilian Junker |
30 minutes |
Missed Architectural Dependencies: The Elephant in the Room |
Robert Nord, Raghvinder Sangwan, Julien Delange, Peter Feiler, Luke Thomas and Ipek Ozkaya |
30 minutes |
Wednesday 16:00-17:30 - Working Session: Reverse Architecting into Models 2 - Chairs: George Fairbanks and Heinrich Schmidt |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Continuous Architecting of Stream-Based Systems |
Damian Andrew Tamburri, Marcello Maria Bersani, Francesco Marconi, Pooyan Jamshidi and Andrea Nodari |
15 minutes |
Behavior-based Architecture Reconstruction and Conformance Checking |
Ana Nicolaescu and Horst Lichter |
15 minutes |
Modeling of Legacy Distributed Embedded Systems at Vehicle Abstraction Level |
Saad Mubeen, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Sjödin, John Lundbäck, Mattias Gålnander and Kurt-Lennart Lundbäck |
15 minutes |
Discussion |
45 minutes |
Thursday 11:00-12:30 - Cloud Computing - Chair: Roger Champagne |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Fuzzy Self-Learning Controllers for Elasticity Management in Dynamic Cloud Architectures |
Pooyan Jamshidi, Amir Sharifloo, Claus Pahl, Hamid Arabnejad, Andreas Metzger and Giovani Estrada |
30 minutes |
Increasing the Throughput of Pipe-and-Filter Architectures by Integrating the Task Farm Parallelization Pattern |
Christian Wulf, Christian Claus Wiechmann and Wilhelm Hasselbring |
30 minutes |
Architectural Tactics for the Design of Efficient PaaS Cloud Applications |
David Gesvindr and Barbora Buhnova |
30 minutes |
Thursday 14:00-15:30 - Software Components Deployability 1 - Chair: Ian Gorton |
Authors |
Time/duration |
KevoreeJS: Enabling dynamic software reconfiguration in the Browser |
Maxime Tricoire, Olivier Barais, Manuel Leduc, Francois Fouquet, Gerson Sunyé, Brice Morin, Grégory Nain, Ludovic Mouline and Johann Bourcier |
30 minutes |
Towards a HTML-UI-Compositor by introducing the Wayland-Protocol into a Browser-Engine |
Tobias Holstein, Bastian Weißbach and Joachim Wietzke |
30 minutes |
Considering Transient Effects of Self-Adaptations in Model-Driven Performance Analyses |
Christian Stier and Anne Koziolek |
30 minutes |
Thursday 16:00-17:30 - Working Session: Software Components Deployability 2 - Chairs: Simon Brown and Clemens Szyperski |
Authors |
Time/duration |
A Component Model for Defining Software Product Families with Explicit Variation Points |
Simone Di Cola, Kung-Kiu Lau, Cuong M. Tran, Chen Qian and Michael Schulze |
15 minutes |
Deploying Stateful Web Components on Multiple Devices with Liquid.js for Polymer |
Andrea Gallidabino and Cesare Pautasso |
15 minutes |
VISCTE: Runtime Exploration of Component-Based Systems |
André Santos and Ivo Albuquerque |
15 minutes |
Analysing Evolution of Work and Load |
Gunnar Brataas, Erlend Stav and Sebastian Lehrig |
15 minutes |
Discussion |
30 minutes |
Thursday 11:00-12:30 - Cyber-Physical Systems - Chair: Lionel Seinturier |
Authors |
Time/duration |
On the Use of Component-Based Principles and Practices for Architecting Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ivica Crnkovic, Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini and Mohammad Sharaf |
30 minutes |
Statistical Approach to Architecture Modes in Smart Cyber Physical Systems |
Tomas Bures, Petr Hnetynka, Jan Kofron, Rima Al Ali and Dominik Skoda |
30 minutes |
Towards Safe Execution of Reconfigurations in Cyber-Physical Systems |
David Schubert, Christian Heinzemann and Christopher Gerking |
15 minutes |
Discussion |
15 minutes |
Thursday 14:00-15:30 - Embedded Systems - Chair: Jan Carlson |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Extending the Rubus Component Model with GPU-aware Components |
Gabriel Campeanu, Jan Carlson, Séverine Sentilles and Saad Mubeen |
30 minutes |
Extra-Functional Properties Composability for Embedded Systems Partitioning |
Gaetana Sapienza, Severine Sentilles, Ivica Crnkovic and Tiberiu Seceleanu |
30 minutes |
Modern Software Architecture for Embedded Real-Time Devices: High Value, Little Overhead |
Aurelien Monot, Manuel Oriol, Camille Schneider and Michael Wahler |
30 minutes |
Thursday 11:00-12:30 - Sustainability and Beyond - Chair: Grace Lewis |
Authors |
Time/duration |
OccuRE: an Occupancy REasoning Platform for Occupancy-driven Applications |
Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Aslak Johansen, Fisayo Sangogboye and Emil Holmegaard |
30 minutes |
Relating Architectural Decay and Sustainability of Software Systems |
Duc Minh Le, Carlos Carrillo, Rafael Capilla and Nenad Medvidovic |
15 minutes |
The Blockchain as a Software Connector |
Xiwei Xu, Cesare Pautasso, Liming Zhu, Vincent Gramoli, Shiping Chen, Alexander Ponomarev and An Binh Tran |
30 minutes |
Discussion |
15 minutes |
Friday 11:00-12:30 - Internet of Things - Chair: Remco De Boer |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Building dynamic and dependable component-based Internet-of-Things applications with Dawn |
Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Nelson Matthys, Wilfried Daniels, Wouter Joosen and Danny Hughes |
30 minutes |
Energy-aware adaptive techniques for information diffusion in ungoverned peer-to peer networks |
Lorenzo Pagliari, Raffaela Mirandola, Diego Perez-Palacin and Catia Trubiani |
30 minutes |
A Generative Middleware for Heterogeneous and Distributed Services |
Knut Eilif Husa, Brice Morin, Olivier Barais and Franck Fleurey |
30 minutes |
Thursday 14:00-15:30 - Industry Track 1 – Chair: Massimo Valla |
Authors |
Time/duration |
Variability Handling for Mobile Banking Apps on iOS and Android |
Jens Bæk Jørgensen, Bjarne Knudsen, Lennert Sloth, Johan Rugager Vase and Henrik Bærbak Christensen |
30 minutes |
Introducing Software Product Lines in Model-Based Design Processes: an Industrial Experience |
Domenico Amalfitano, Vincenzo De Simone, Anna Rita Fasolino, Mario Lubrano and Stefano Scala |
30 minutes |
Invited Presentation - Nubomedia: an Elastic Multimedia Cloud platform to enhance Smart Spaces |
Fabio Mondin (TIM - Telecom Italia S.p.A., Italy) |
15 minutes |
Invited Presentation - CloudWave: Enabling New Generation Cloud Services with Coordinated Adaptation |
Boris Moltchanov (TIM - Telecom Italia S.p.A., Italy) |
15 minutes |
Thursday 16:00-17:30 - Industry Track 2 – Chair: Ian Gorton |
Authors |
Time/duration |
A Reference Architecture for Software Protection |
Bjorn De Sutter, Paolo Falcarin, Brecht Wyseur, Cataldo Basile, Mariano Ceccato, Jerome D Annoville and Michael Zunke |
30 minutes |
An Evaluation of Design Rule Spaces as Risk Containers |
Andrew Leigh, Michel Wermelinger and Andrea Zisman |
30 minutes |
Best Practices to Minimize Architectural Refactoring in Agile Software Projects in Micron Technology |
Daniele Spinosi (Micron Technology) |
30 minutes |
Tuesday 11:00-12:30 - Young Researchers Forum - Session 2 |
Authors |
Time/duration |
A Reference Structure for Metamodels of Quality-Aware Domain-Specific Languages |
Misha Strittmatter and Robert Heinrich |
10 minutes |
Architectural Data Flow Analysis |
Stephan Seifermann |
10 minutes |
Investigating Software Deployment on Heterogeneous Platforms |
Hugo Andrade |
15 minutes |
On Timing Analysis of Component-based Vehicular Distributed Embedded Systems at Various Abstraction Levels |
Saad Mubeen and Thomas Nolte |
10 minutes |
Context-Aware Software Ecosystem for Industrial Products |
Matus Tomlein |
10 minutes |
Context-based Architectural Security Analysis |
Emre Taspolatoglu and Robert Heinrich |
10 minutes |
Planning of Break-out groups |
15 minutes |