Call for conference papers has closed.
Authors: Check Instructions for Authors for the latest information.
Call for papers
The 8th Working International Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) and the 3rd European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) have merged for 2009 to provide a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the latest R&D outcomes, experiences, trends, and challenges in the field of software architecture. This synergistic coupling of WICSA and ECSA for the first time promises an even more inspiring and productive event in 2009.
WICSA/ECSA 2009 is the premier gathering of researchers and practitioners interested in becoming familiar with and improving the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice of software architecture. The conference's primary goal is to provide a forum for discussion among researchers and practitioners. It focuses on making progress through a combination of presentations, working sessions, workshops, and tutorials. WICSA/ECSA 2009 will include three conference keynotes, paper presentation sessions, and interactive working sessions where researchers and practitioners discuss their advances and experiences to understand the current state of architectural practice, and identify opportunities to make a difference in the future.
This environment means that WICSA/ECSA 2009 is the ideal venue for researchers and software architecture practitioners to discuss successes, failures, and ideas with each other, with these insights helping to identify how best to move the state of both research and practice forward.
As in previous years, WICSA/ECSA 2009 encourages submission of papers and reports related to all aspects of software architecture, but this year we are encouraging increased emphasis on the relationship between software architecture and "higher" level concerns, e.g. system of systems, enterprise architecture, value of architecture.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- architecture description languages, metamodels, ontologies
- architectural models, patterns and styles
- quality-based architecture analysis
- architecture transformation, model-driven architecture
- architectural concerns of emerging systems
- requirements engineering and software architectures
- architecture reengineering, discovery and recovery
- architecture conformance, run-time monitoring
- process and management of architectural decisions
- process models, tools, environments and frameworks
- service-oriented architectures and web services
- product-line architectures
- enterprise and systems vs. software architecture
- cultural, economic, and managerial aspects of software architecture
- software architects' roles and responsibilities, training, education and certification
Types of submissions
WICSA/ECSA 2009 seeks different types of contributions to foster the active participation of researchers and practitioners:
- Research Papers (max. 10 proceedings pages) which describe novel contributions to software architecture research. They will be judged by the prevailing norms of the research community and as such must clearly make a contribution to the body of research knowledge. All papers should explicitly state the goals of systems or approaches described, highlight its contributions to advance the state-of-the-art, and clearly support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature.
- Working Session Papers (max. 4 proceedings pages) which present promising achievements from work-in-progress in a topic of software architecture. They are intended to stimulate discussion related to ideas and experiences, rather than to present fully validated research results. Normally they will describe positive and negative characteristics of existing methods and techniques; identify gaps in the state-of-practice; or propose new research directions to fill those gaps. The accepted contributions will form the basis of the conference's interactive working sessions.
- Experience Papers (max. 10 proceedings pages) or Experience Presentations (1-page abstract + max. 20 slides) which describe significant experiences related to software architecture practice. Submissions should present case studies, real-life experiences or survey reports of benefit to practitioners and researchers. For example, best and worst experiences of applying software architecture research results, required adaptations to make it work in industry, research gaps which should be filled in, etc. Presentations should include a full professional biography of the presenter. Experience Papers and the one-page abstracts of the accepted Presentations will be included in the conference proceedings and the presentations will be distributed via the conference web site. Given the time and space limits, Experience Papers and Presentations should focus on the software architecture lessons that can be drawn from the experiences described rather than exhaustive descriptions of systems or organizational context.
All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Papers will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. All contributions must be original, not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere.
In addition to peer reviewed full and working paper sessions, the conference will also provide a dynamic forum to allow researchers and practitioners to get together in a constructive environment to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss subjects not on the main program (see the Call for Workshops and Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions in the conference web site).
The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings.
In addition, authors of best papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their papers for the Special Section on Software Architecture of the Journal of Systems and Software.
Paper submission
Paper submissions via: CyberChairPRO.
Formatting Instructions: All submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE CS proceedings format (8.5" x 11" two-column format). Templates and instructions can be downloaded from the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Length of Submissions: Papers (properly formatted in IEEE CS proceedings format) must not exceed the following size limits:
- Research and Experience Papers: 10 pages (max 8000 words),
- Working Session Papers: 4 pages (max 3000 words).
Experience presentations should be suitable for delivery in 25 minutes. The precise number of slides is left to the discretion of the author, but successful submissions are unlikely to exceed 20 slides.
Review: All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the WICSA/ECSA 2009 Program Committee.
Important Dates
- Paper submissions due: 19 April 2009 (CLOSED)
- Notification of acceptance: 9 June 2009 (COMPLETED)
- Camera-ready papers due: 30 June 2009
- Conference: 14 – 17 September 2009