WICSA 2008 is the seventh international conference devoted entirely to Software Architecture. Its purpose is to bring together software engineering practitioners and researchers from industry and academia to exchange experiences, results and ideas related to all aspects of software architecture. Its mission is to strengthen and expand its role as the premier conference on architectural issues in software system design, development and maintenance, practitioners as well as academics.
This site will be regularly updated to bring you further details about the program, travel, accommodation and other news as information becomes available.
What's New?
17 September 2008 WICSA 2009 has been announced.
22 February 2008 Visit the wrap-up for some facts, figures and photos from WICSA 2008.
21 February 2008
Registration has closed.
The organizers would like to thank the 171 attendees for making WICSA
2008 a great success.
For the latest WICSA 2008 news, visit the conference wiki.
4 February 2008 Early bird registration has closed.
4 February 2008 Tutorial TSOA, Architecting SOA Services with Rational Software Architect, has been cancelled.
14 January 2008 Submission of workshop proposals is now closed.
11 January 2008 Updated information on WICSA conference venue and hotel registration.
31 December 2007 Early registration is now open until 3 February.
21 December 2007 Registration options and pricing announced.
16 December 2007 Conference programme, keynotes, tutorials and working sessions announced for WICSA 2008.
16 December 2007 Call for workshops and birds-of-a-feather sessions open until 14 January 2008.
16 November 2007 Updated Author Instructions with Author's Final Paper Formatting and Submission Instructions
14 November 2007 Added Visitor Information.
22 October 2007 Added a call for workshops and birds-of-a-feather sessions.
2 October 2007 Submission of working session papers is now closed.
28 September 2007 Extended deadline for working session submissions to Monday, 1st October 2007.
19 September 2007
Added link for working session
submissions—due 28 September 2007.
Submission of research and experience papers is now closed.
7 September 2007 Added link for WICSA 2008 submissions site to the Author Instructions.
31 August 2007 Added Author Instructions.
24 August 2007 Added information on the WICSA 2008 Sponsor Program.
30 July 2007 Updated Important Dates with new dates for notification of authors and due date for camera-ready versions.
28 June 2007 Added listing of programme committee members.
27 May 2007 Posted How to promote WICSA 2008.
4 April 2007 Call for Tutorial Submissions posted.
30 March 2007 Calls for Practitioner and Research Submissions posted.