Early registration deadline: May 18
Prof. Dr. Manfred Broy, University of Munich: From Components to Services
Haakon Bryhni, CTO Birdstep: Software Architectures for Mobile IP systems - future challenges including variability and interoperability
Jan Bosch, University of Groningen
Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft Research
Jeff Magee, Imperial College London
Architecture Analysis
Architecture Evolution
Architecture in practice
Architecture Methods
Architecture Tools
Architecture Styles
Architecture of Large systems
Architecture-centric Software Engineering
Software Architectures for Safe and Secure Systems
Software Variability Management
Implementing Domain specific languages for Product Lines
Architecture Documentation with UML
Working sessions on:
Social activities: Receptions and Boat Dinner
Located at University of Oslo, Norway
Organised by SINTEF. In cooperation with IEEE
Co-located with ECOOP 2004 www.ifi.uio.no/ecoop2004/
Microsoft Research
Philips Medical Systems
WICSA is a working conference and working sessions have long been a tradition at previous conferences. They have been used to collect examples of existing best practices; identify characteristics of existing methods and techniques; identify gaps in the state of the practice; and propose new techniques to fill those gaps. This year we add a new twist to this idea by using wiki software as a group communication mechanism that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) is our model and platform for on-line collaboration. The goal is to encourage ideas about software architecture to evolve as an ongoing discussion among members of the software architecture/WICSA community in the form of entries on wikipedia.
We invite all participants at WICSA to consider to prepare some material in advance, in addition to their active participation at the conference itself.
Topics of interest will include (but not be limited to) themes from the WICSA technical program and work sessions:
Martin Wattenberg, IBM Watson Research Center, will assist us in visualizing the collaborative process through use of his History Flow application (http://researchweb.watson.ibm.com/history/). The history flow application charts the evolution of a document as it is edited by many people using a very simple visualization technique. We will use the application to evaluate how the collaboration is progressing. We will post intermediate results during the conference and report on final results during the plenary session of the conference.
The working parts of the Working conference will occur in four segments.
1. Saturday morning, June 12, 9:00 - 12:30. Working Session Preparations before the official opening of the conference.
2. During the conference. From Saturday afternoon through to Tuesday afternoon
3. Towards the end of the conference. Tuesday afternoon, June 15, 13:30-15:00. Working session wrap-up to reflect on the Wiki experience.
4. At the end of the conference. Tuesday afternoon, June 15, 15:30-16:30. Wiki Wan party summary. Plenary session at end of the WICSA conference to report on the Wiki results.
These work sessions is intended for anyone interested in distilling software architecture best practices (software architects, software lead designers, students, researchers, managers, educators, etc).
Participants are asked to prepare for discussions and work sessions by submitting the following to the workshop chairs (jas@cs.tufts.edu):
(1) Short bio or statement on background.
(2) A position or observation on the state of the practice in software architecture in the form of a wiki excerpt that will be the raw material for an online wiki submission.
The Wiki WAN Party is open to all conference participants and submission materials will not be used for choosing participants. The party hosts will use the submission materials to gauge interest in the themes and to help organize the initial wiki online material and plan for the party.
Submissions Due: June 2, 2004
WICSA Wiki WAN Party: June 12 – 15, 2004
Shang-Wen Cheng, Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University zensoul@cs.cmu.edu
Robert L. Nord, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University rn@sei.cmu.edu
Judith Stafford, Dept. of Computer Science, Tufts University jas@cs.tufts.edu