These are archived materials from WICSA 3. WICSA 3 was organized as a stream, as a part of the World Computer Congress.
More information can be found on the archived version of the original homepage.
The first Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), held in San Antonio, Texas in 1999, brought together software architecture researchers and practicing software architects to advance the state of practice and research. Its success was followed by the Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2001), held in Amsterdam, NL.
The third Working Conference on Software Architecture will be the main event of the Software Architecture stream at the World Computer Congress in 2002. This meeting is a forum for international participants from academia and industry to present the latest developments in software architecture research and practice. As the title "Working Conference" implies, an equally important goal is for participants to identify new challenges in the field.
Contributions describing notations, languages, techniques, tools, methodologies, case studies, and best practices are requested. Topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Holding this conference at WCC 2002 will also provide a valuable opportunity to establish meaningful dialogues across different disciplines through linkage sessions. The sessions planned to date are:
The challenges of our information age call for advanced software architectures for intelligent information systems, and the application of intelligent information technology to the design and maintenance of software architecture. Leading researchers from two different communities, represented by TC2 (Software: Theory and Practice) and TC12 (Artificial Intelligence), will present novel software architectures for knowledge-based systems/intelligent information systems. They will also present new approaches to designing these complex systems and applications of intelligent information processing to software architecting.
One of our major challenges as we enter the information age is to create web-based tele-learning environments. To meet this challenge, competencies and innovations in several IT areas need to be brought together. In this session, leading researchers from three different communities, represented by TC2 (Software: Theory and Practice), TC3 (Education) and TC12 (Artificial Intelligence), will present the state of the art in web-based learning.