Workshop 2: Architecture Reconstruction and Product Lines
Workshop Organizers:William O'Brien (primary contact),
Software Engineering Institute,
tel. +1 (412) 268 7727, Christoph Stoermer,
Robert Bosch Corp.,
Research and Technology Center,
tel. +1 (412) 268 3949, This workshop will focus on architecture reconstruction in product line contexts. In most cases product lines evolve out of existing products. To manage the evolution in a disciplined way organizations have to 'mine' existing assets for architecture, commonalities, and variabilities. Reconstruction focuses in most cases on an abstraction of at least a few components and interactions to present an understandable structure. But this focus is not sufficient in the context of product lines. To detect reusable components and variabilities for a potential product line migration there are further challenges: (1) The reconstruction process should be applied to at least one further product and (2) the analyst has to find a useful abstraction level to detect and describe the commonalties and variabilities. Summarized the objectives of this workshop are: Participants are invited to submit a position paper with a contribution on one or more of the objectives. The workshop will consist of presentations of these papers in the morning session, followed by an afternoon session of discussion and collaboration. |