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Workshop information - WICSA 2001 - Amsterdam - August 2001

Workshop 1: Architectural Viewpoints

Workshop Organizers:

David Emery, The MITRE Corporation
Rich Hilliard, ConsentCache, Inc. (Workshop contact:
Mark W. Maier, The Aerospace Corporation

An architectural viewpoint (in the terminology of IEEE Std 1471) is "A specification of the conventions for constructing and using a view," i.e., "reusable" resources for creating and analyzing a class of architectural views.
Although most modern software architectural methods advocate the use of multiple views as a central organizing principle of architectural description, the use of views has been largely informal and their underlying viewpoints are rarely documented.
That is unfortunate, because viewpoints could be a valuable kind of architectural knowledge—like patterns and styles—giving the architect a "head start" toward addressing recurring architectural concerns.

The aim of this workshop is to focus on making explicit some useful architectural viewpoints, based on the community's knowledge and experience in architectural modeling. As a part of the workshop, we hope to begin to document some of the more widely useful viewpoints from practice and the literature, identify gaps in current practice where new viewpoints may be needed, and discuss appropriate mechanisms for recording viewpoints. A long-term goal of this project is a practical handbook of architectural viewpoints.

Call for Participation:
Workshop web site: