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Tutorial information - WICSA 2001 - Amsterdam - August 2001

Tutorial T1 (morning): Effective Use of UML for Software Architecture Design

Presenters: Christine Hofmeister (Lehigh University), Robert L. Nord (Siemens Corporate Research/Software Engineering Institute)


It is now generally accepted that separating software architecture into multiple views can help in reducing complexity and in making sound decisions about design trade-offs. Our four views are based on current practice; they are loosely coupled, and address different engineering concerns.=20

This tutorial will teach you how to use UML to design and describe software architecture with these four views: the conceptual, module, execution, and code architecture views. You will:

  • Learn the purpose of having separate software architecture views - when are they needed, and what engineering concerns are addressed in each.
  • Learn the difference between using UML for software architecture and the more typical use of UML for designing OO implementations (for high-level and detailed design).
  • Learn how to incorporate software architecture design and its artifacts in your software process. This includes the uses of the architecture, how to efficiently describe it, and how to keep the artifacts up-to-date.
  • It is assumed that the participants know the basic UML elements, relations, and diagram types, and have developed models in UML or another OO modeling technique. They should also have some experience designing software architectures.

    About the presenters

    Christine Hofmeister and Robert L. Nord are the authors of Applied Software Architecture, which is part of the Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series.
    The book provides practical guidelines and techniques for producing quality software designs. This tutorial will explore and expand on one of the topics presented in the book, the use of UML for describing software architecture.