22 February - Monday
Interoperability and Integration
Morven Gentleman and Mary Shaw
Note: In each case, the author is asked not to present the paper as such,
but to use the paper and other relevant experience (including reading of
the other papers in the session) to comment on these questions:
What are typical examples of serious interoperability/integration problems?
What are the most significant general classes of
interoperability/integration problems the software
development community faces today?
Which of these require research breakthroughs?
What would you propose as good candidate research topics?
Plenary session:
(9 min) Introduction to session, including the questions above
(12 min) Butler, based on experience report
(12 min) Gruhn, based on experience report
(12 min) Shaw, based on position paper
(15 min) Discussion
Group session 1 (afternoon):
(12 min) Gentleman, based on experience report
(12 min) Jaktman, based on experience report
(12 min) Kuusela, based on experience report
(12 min) Weil, based on experience report
(12 min) Bourgois, based on position paper
(30 min) Discussion in preparation for evening session
Group session 2 (evening):
- Refine description of major problems
- Identify promising research opportunities, describe them
in enough detail to make sense, and try to organize
them into clusters.
Analysis and assessment of software architecture
Rick Kazman and Naftaly Minsky
Plenary session
Presentation of paper by Magee, Pree, and Atlee
Working session
For the working sessions we will spend the first session trying to
decide what one can analyze an architecture for (i.e. to produce the
beginnings of a state-of-the-art report on the spectrum of analysis
techniques and their objectives)
We will spend the second session discussing what
information needs to be represented in an architecture to enable its
analysis for those properties that we identified in the first working
In both sessions we will distinguish between what is being analyzed
(the architectural description (AD) or the underlying system (S)), and
between the nature of the analysis appropriate in each case, as follows:
1: Analysis of the architectural description (AD) for:
a: consistency
b: performance
c: modifiability
d: reliability
e: security
f: liveness
g: . . .
2: Analysis of the underlying system (S), with respect to the AD.
a: verification that the AD is satisfied by S.
b: enforcement of AD on S
c: Synthesis of aspects of S according to AD..
d: (anything else??)
Models of Software Architectures
Don Batory and Ric Holt
Format: presentations will be 20 minutes each, with 10 minute discussions
Authors will answer questions specific to their work,
plus some general questions:
- What problems does your approach solve?
- When should it be used?
- Why should it not be used?
- Why should practitioners be interested?
- Why should academics be interested?
- If your approach is formal, why should practitioners be interested?
- If your approach isn't formal, how does your approach
contribute to the Science/principles of SA?
Plenary Session
- Stuurman, "Software Architecture and Java Beans"
- Hirsh, "Modeling Software Architectures and Styles with Graph Grammars
and Constraint Solving"
Working Session #1
- Canal, et. al. "Specification and Refinement of Dynamic Software
- Medvidovic and Rosenblum, "Assessing the Suitability of a Standard Design Method for Modeling Software Architectures"
- Hoffmeister, et al., "Describing Software Architecture with UML"
Working Session #2
Discussions/themes raised in the plenary and WS#1
will continue in this session.
23 February -- Tuesday
Product Lines
Christine Hofmeister and Henk Obbink
Plenary session
Introduce two discussion topics, define terms (5 min)
1. Evaluation of Product Line and Reference Architectures
- A Domain Engineering Method
Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, Gary Chastek, Sholom Cohen, Pat Donohoe, Linda Northrop
(evaluation as an integral part of the domain
engineering of a product-line architecture)
- Flexibility of the ComBAD-architecture
N.H. Lassing, D.B.B. Rijsenbrij and J.C. van Vliet
(using SAAM to evaluate a general-purpose arch: discuss
which qualities can be evaluated for a general-purpose arch)
- discussion (10 min)
2. Evolution of Product Lines
- "Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study
Jan Bosch
(how does evolution affect product lines)
- discussion (10 min)
Group session
1. Evaluation of Product Line and Reference Architectures
panel (1 hr -- Each panelist gets 10 min to give an overview of their
- Seidersleben experience paper
(a reference architecture for business info systems)
- Savigni technical paper
(a reference architecture for monitoring and control systems)
- Pronk experience paper
(a product-line architecture for medical diagnostic imaging systems)
- Remaining 30 min for questions & discussion on the topic:
- What's special about evaluating a product-line or reference
architecture; how is it different from evaluating an
architecture for a particular system?
- How were the panelists' architectures evaluated (or how
could they have been)?
2. Evolution of Product Lines
(1/2 hr)
Dealing with systematic evolution of productlines is a very difficult topic.
Many of the changes during the lifetime of a productline could have a significant
architectural impact. Analizing the impacts of the following changes:
- Change in Domain
- Change in Function
- Change in Technology
- Change in cost structure
- Change of interfaces
could be very useful. The goal of this working session is to investigate the practices
that exist to deal with these changes in a systematic way.
3. discussion, preparation of summary points
Style WG
Dewayne Perry and David Rosenblum
Plenary Session
Architectural Styles as Adaptors
Don Batory, Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Texas at Austin), and
Lou Coglianese (LGA Inc.
Attribute-Based Architecture Styles
Mark H. Klein, Rick Kazman, Len Bass, Jeromy Carriere,
Mario Barbacci, Howard Lipson
Modelling Software Architecture Using Domain Specific Patterns
Jan Peter Riegel, Christoph Kaesling, and Martin Schuetze
Style WG - Discussion
We will cover the questsions:
- What can we do with styles and patterns?
- What cant we do with them?
- What research questions should we look at?
We will summarize our findings for the working group as a set of
research issues and goals - ie a research agenda for architectural
patterns and styles.
Techniques and Methods Working Group
Frances Paulisch and Will Tracz
Plenary Session
This WG will focus the processes and players (stakeholders) that support the
creation, use, and maintenance of software architectures.
1) State the scope of the working group as described above.
2) Summarize the relevant points in the 5 experience papers and 1
paper that were deemed by the PC to fit in our WG.
3) Propose/reuse a framework of stakeholders and issues (using
Boehm's Table 1 as a start) and sketch out a "super-process"
model/picture that shows where styles, models, ADLs, analysis,
interoperability, product lines all fit together.
4) Introduce the objective of our working group session (see below).
Working Group Session:
During our 2.5 hours we will address 5 or 6 carefully prepared and partially answered
questions related to:
What academia can do for industry, and what industry needs
to provide in the next 2 to 4 years to advance the state of the
practice and art in support of the creation, use, and maintenance of
software architectures.
Note: this includes introduction of new tools, processes,
training, etc.
Dewayne E. Perry
- This information last updated January 1999
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