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22 February -- Monday

0730 - 1700  Registration
0730 - 0800  Continental breakfast

0800 - 0830  Conference welcome, organization, and announcements

0830 - 0930  Plenary session:  "Architecture models and descriptions" track;
             Don Batory and Ric Holt, chairs

             Presentations (20 min. + 10 min. discussion for each):
             - S. Stuurman: "Software Architecture and Java Beans" 
             - Dan Hirsch, Paola Inverardi, Ugo Montanari:  "Modeling Software
               Architectures and Styles with Graph Grammars and Constraint Solving"  

0930 - 1000  Break

1000 - 1100  Plenary session:  "Analysis and assessment of software architecture" track;
             Rick Kazman and Naftaly Minsky, chairs

             - Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer and Dimitra Giannakopoulou:
               "Behaviour Analysis of Software Architectures"
             - Wolfgang Pree, Kai Koskimies: 
               "Rearchitecturing Legacy Systems--Concepts and Case Study"
             - George Yanbing Guo, Joanne M. Atlee, Rick Kazman:  
               "A Software Architecture Reconstruction Method"

1100 - 1200  Plenary session:  "Techniques and methods for software architecture" track;
             Frances Paulisch and Will Tracz, chairs

             Theme: the processes and stakeholders that support the creation, use, and 
             maintenance of software architectures.

             Presentations:   5 experience papers, 1 full paper 

             Discussion: a framework of stakeholders and issues (using
             Boehm's Table 1 as a start); sketch of a "super-process" model/picture
             that shows where styles, models, ADLs, analysis, interoperability, 
             product lines all fit together.

1200 - 1300  Lunch

1300 - 1600  Siesta:  Participants' free time

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group:  Architectural models and descriptions

             Presentations (each 20 min. + 10 min. discussion)
             - Canal, et. al., 
               "Specification and Refinement of Dynamic Software Architectures"
             - Medvidovic and Rosenblum, 
               "Assessing the Suitability of a Standard
               Design Method for Modeling Software Architectures"
             - Hofmeister, et al., "Describing Software Architecture with UML"

             Discussion of themes

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group:  Analysis and assessment of software architecture

             - What can one analyze an architecture for?
             - What information needs to be represented in an architecture for analysis?

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group:  Techniques and methods for software architecture

             Discussion:  What can academia do for industry, and what does
             industry need to provide in the next 2 to 4 years to advance the 
             state of the practice and art in support of the creation, use, and 
             maintenance of software architectures?

23 February -- Tuesday

0730 - 0830  Continental breakfast

0830 - 0930  Plenary session:  "Architectural patterns and styles" track;
             Dewayne Perry and David Rosenblum, chairs
             - Don Batory, Yannis Smaragdakis, and Lou Coglianese:  
               "Architectural Styles as Adaptors"
             - Mark H. Klein, Rick Kazman, Len Bass, Jeromy Carriere,
               Mario Barbacci, Howard Lipson:  
               "Attribute-Based Architecture Styles"
             - Jan Peter Riegel, Christoph Kaesling, and Martin Schuetze:
               "Modelling Software Architecture Using Domain Specific Patterns"

0930 - 1030  Plenary session:  "Interoperability, integration, and evolution of software" track;
             Morven Gentleman and Mary Shaw, chairs

             Presentations: Selected authors (Shawn Butler, Volker Gruhn, Mary Shaw)
             comment on the following questions, based on their papers (12 min. each):
             - What are typical examples of serious interoperability/integration
             - What are the most significant general classes of
               interoperability/integration problems the software
               development community faces today?
             - Which of these require research breakthroughs?
             - What would you propose as good candidate
               research topics?

1030 - 1100  Break

1100 - 1200  Plenary session:  "Domain-specific architectures and product families" track;
             Christine Hofmeister and Henk Obbink, chairs

             - Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, Gary Chastek, Sholom Cohen, Pat Donohoe,
               Linda Northrop:  "A Domain Engineering Method"  (10 min.)
             - N.H. Lassing, D.B.B. Rijsenbrij and J.C. van Vliet:
               "Flexibility of the ComBAD-architecture"  (10 min.)
             - Jan Bosch:  "Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in
               Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study"  (15 min.)

1200 - 1300  Lunch

1300 - 1600  Siesta: Participants' free time

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group: Architectural Patters and Styles

             - What can we do with styles and patterns?
             - What can't we do with them?
             - What research questions should we look at?
             - Research agenda for architectural patterns and styles.

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group:  Interoperability, integration, and 
             evolution of software

             Presentations (12 min. each):  Selected authors comment on the Plenary
             questions, based on their papers:   
             - M. Gentleman
             - C. Jaktman
             - J. Kuusela
             - R. Weil
             - M. Bourgois

             - refine description of major problems
             - identify promising research opportunities, describe them,
               organize them into clusters

1600 - 1900  Parallel working group:  Domain specific architectures and product families

             Panel:  Evaluation of Product Line and Reference Architectures
             - Seidersleben:  "A reference architecture for business 
               info systems" (10 min.)
             - Savigni: "A reference architecture for monitoring and 
               control systems" (10 min.)
             - Pronk: "A product-line architecture for medical diagnostic
               imaging systems (10 min.)

             Evolution of Product Lines:  Investigate practices to deal ina systematic
             way with changes in domain, function, technology, cost structure, and

1900 - 2100  Conference reception

24 February -- Wednesday

0730 - 0830  Continental breakfast

0830 - 0930  Invited speaker

0930 - 1030  Working group reports (3 reports, 20 minutes each)
             - Architecture models and descriptions
             - Analysis and assessment of software architecture
             - Techniques and methods for software architecture

1030 - 1100  Break

1100 - 1200  Working group reports (3 reports, 20 minutes each)
             - Architectural patterns and styles
             - Interoperability, integration, and evolution of software
             - Domain-specific architectures and product families

1200 - 1300  Lunch

1300 - 1330  Marc Sewell, Worldwide Institute of Software Architecture (WWISA)

1330 - 1500  Plenary: discuss the formation and long-term agenda and goals of
             IFIP Working Group in software architecture 

1500         Adjourn


February 22, 1999
Navarro			Coat Room
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Registration
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Continental Breakfast
Travis Room Mezzanine	General Session
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Mid-Morning Break
Georgian Room Lobby Level	Lunch

Bowie, LaSalle, Alamo	Breakout Rooms

February 23, 1999
Navarro			Coat Room
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Registration
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Continental Breakfast
Travis Room Mezzanine	General Session
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Mid-Morning Break
Georgian Room Lobby Level	Lunch
Georgian Room Lobby Level 	Reception

Bowie, LaSalle, Alamo	Breakout Rooms

February 24, 1999
Navarro			Coat Room
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Registration
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Continental Breakfast
Travis Room Mezzanine	General Session
Travis Foyer Mezzanine	Mid-Morning Break
Georgian Room Lobby Level	Lunch

Bowie, LaSalle, Alamo	Breakout Rooms

Dewayne E. Perry - This information last updated January 1999
Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.