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Call for Papers

The First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture

22-24 February 1999
Crowne Plaza St. Anthony Hotel
San Antonio, TX, USA

Sponsored by IFIP TC-2
Organized by the Software Engineering Institute

Software architecture is a primary factor in the creation and evolution of virtually all products involving software. It is a topic of major interest in the research community where promising formalisms, processes, and technologies are under development. Architecture is also of major interest in industry because it is recognized as a significant leverage point for manipulating such basic development factors as cost, quality, and interval. Its importance is attested to by fact that there are several international workshop series as well as major conference sessions devoted to it.

The First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1) will provide a focused and dedicated forum for the international software architecture community to unify and coordinate its effort to advance the state of practice and research. An important goal of this working conference is to facilitate information exchange between practicing software architects and software architecture researchers. This conference will serve as a kickoff event for a new IFIP TC-2 Working Group on Software Architecture and will shape the focus and tasks of the working group for the initial period.

The conference will feature two keynotes who will present the state of research and the state of practice in software architecture. Each keynote will discuss where we are, where we should be, where the hard problems are, and where the strong leverage points are.

The working sessions of the conference will be organized to answer similar questions:

Attendance is limited to 100 and is by invitation on the basis of a submitted paper. Submissions will be refereed and all accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Technical papers will be evaluated for their originality, significance, soundness, and clarity. Experience papers will be evaluated on the significance of the experience and the insight gained into a problem domain or application of new methods and techniques. Position papers will be evaluated for their reasoned presentation of a point of view pertinent to conference themes.

We are soliciting submission of papers on all aspects of software architecture describing results of the research, research in progress, case studies, experience reports, and position statements. In particular we encourage submissions from industry that present or analyze experiences of software architecture for complex systems, and expose problems in the design, implementation, or evolution of software architectures.

Specific topics of interest include:

Guidelines for Authors:

Mail to either:
Dewayne E. Perry
Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Ave
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
+1.908.582.2529 (voice) +1.908.582.5809 (fax)
Alexander Ran
Nokia Research Center
3 Burlington Woods Drive #260
Burlington, MA 01803
+1.617.238.4904 (voice) +1.617.564.9696 (fax)

Important dates are:
15 July 1998 Paper submissions due
15 September 1998 Notification of acceptance and invitation for attendance
1 November 1998 Camera-ready final papers due
22-24 February 1999 Conference

The conference will be held in San Antonio, Texas at the Crowne Plaza St. Anthony Hotel. Hotel and conference registration information and materials will be included in letters of acceptance.

Organizing Committee:
IFIP TC- 2 Chair Reino Kurki-Suonio (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
General Conference Chair Paul Clements (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Program Committee Co-Chairs: Dewayne Perry (Bell Laboratories, USA)
Alexander Ran (Nokia, Finland/USA)
Program Committee: [TBD]

Dewayne E. Perry - This information last updated February 1998
Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved.