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CBSE7 Program

Day 1 - May 24th 2004

9:00-9:15 15 min Welcome & opening session – Ivica Crnkovic
9:15-10:30 75 min Keynote speaker: Oscar Nierstrasz
Moderator: Ivica Crnkovic
10:30-11:00 30 min Coffee break
11:00-12:30 90 min Papers Session 1 – Presentations
Moderator: Heinz Schmidt
Papers Session 2 – Presentations
Moderator: Kurt Wallnau
12:30-14:00 90 min Lunch
14:00-15:30 90 min Papers Session 1 – Discussions
Moderator: Heinz Schmidt
Papers Session 2 – Discussions
Moderator: Kurt Wallnau
15:30-16:00 30 min Coffee break
16:00-18:00 120 min Discussion – Moderator: Judith Stafford
19:30 Dinner
Day 2 - May 24th 2004
9:00-9:30 30 min Summary from the first day - Kurt Wallnau
9:30-10:30 60 min Invited speaker: Hans Jonkers
Moderator: Kurt Wallnau
10:30-11:00 30 min Coffee break
11:00-12:30 90 min Paper Session 3 – Presentations
Moderator: Ivica Crnkovic
Paper Session 4 – Presentations
Moderator: Judith Stafford
12:45-14:00 75 min Lunch
14:00-15:30 90 min Paper Session 3 – Discussions
Moderator: Ivica Crnkovic
Paper Session 4 – Discussions
Moderator: Judith Stafford
15:30-16:00 30 min Coffee break
16:00-17:30 90 min Discussion – Moderator: Heinz Schmidt
17:30-18:00 30 min Conclusion and Closing session - Kurt Wallnau

Session 1 - Generation and adaptation of component-based systems
Session 2 - Tools and building frameworks
Session 3 - Components for real-time embedded systems
Session 4 - Extra-functional properties of components and component-based systems

Session 1 - Generation and adaptation of component-based systems
Moderator: Heinz Schmidt
 11:00-11:15  Component-based Self-Adaptability in Peer-to-Peer Architectures
Sascha Alda
 11:15-11:30  Software Architectural Support for Disconnected Operation in Highly Distributed Environments
Marija Mikic-Rakic, Nenad Medvidovic
 11:30-11:45  Using Connectors to Resolve Partial Matching Problems in COTS Component Acquisition
Hyun Gi Min, Si Won Choi, Soo Dong Kim
 11:45-12:00  Correctness of Component-Based Adaptation
Sandeep Kulkarni, Karun Biyani
 12:00-12:15  An Open Component Model and Its Support in Java
Eric Bruneton, Thierry Coupaye, Matthieu Leclercq, Vivien Quema, Jean-Bernard Stefani
 12:15-12:30  Classifying Software Component Interoperability
Steffen Becker, Sven Overhage, Ralf Reussner
Session 2 - Tools and building frameworks
Moderator: Kurt Wallnau
 11:00-11:15  Correct Components Assembly for a Product Data Management Cooperative System
Massimo Tivoli, Paola Inverardi, Valentina Presutti, Alessandro Forghieri, Maurizio Sebastiani
 11:15-11:30  The Release Matrix for Component-Based Software Systems
Louis Taborda
 11:30-11:45  Viewpoints for Specifying Component-Based Systems
Gerald Kotonya, John Hutchinson
 11:45-12:00  Container-Managed Exception Handling for the Predictable Assembly of Component-Based Systems
Kevin Simons, Judith Stafford
 12:00-12:15  A Framework for Constructing Adaptive Component-Based Applications: Concepts and Experiences
Humberto Cervantes, Richard Hall
 12:15-12:30  Testing Framework Components
Benjamin Tyler, Neelam Soundarajan
Session 3 - Components for real-time embedded systems
Moderator: Ivica Crnkovic
 11:00-11:15  Industrial Requirements on Component Technologies for Embedded Systems
Anders Möller, Joakim Fröberg, Mikael Nolin
 11:15-11:30  Prediction of Run-time Resource Consumption in Multi-task Component-Based Software Systems
Johan Muskens, Michel Chaudron
 11:30-11:45  Design Accompanying Analysis of Component-Based Embedded Software
Walter Maydl
 11:45-12:00  Introducing a Component Technology for Safety Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems,
Kristian Sandström, Johan Fredriksson, Mikael Åkerholm
 12:00-12:15  A Hierarchical Framework for Component-Based Real-Time Systems
Giuseppe Lipari, Paolo Gai, Michael Trimarchi, Giacomo Guidi
 12:15-12:30  Performance Prediction for Component Compositions
Evgeni Eskenazi, Alexandre Fioukov, Dieter Hammer
Session 4 - Extra-functional properties of components and component-based systems
Moderator: Judith Stafford
 11:00-11:15  Extra-functional Contract Support in Components
Olivier Defour, Jean-marc Jézéquel, Noel Plouzeau
 11:15-11:30  CB-SPE Tool: Putting Component-Based Performance Engineering into Practice
Antonia Bertolino, Raffaela Mirandola
 11:30-11:45  Component Technology and QoS Management
George Heineman, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz
 11:45-12:00  Computational Quality of Service for Scientific Components
Boyana Norris, Jaideep Ray, Rob Armstrong, Lois McInnes, David Bernholdt, Wael Elwasif, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende
 12:00-12:15  A Framework for Reliability Assessment of Software Components
Rakesh Shukla, Paul Strooper, David Carrington
 12:15-12:30  TESTEJB - A Measurement Framework for EJBs
Marcus Meyerhöfer, Christoph Neumann
 12:30-12:45  Model-Based Transaction Service Configuration for Component-Based Development
Sten Loecher