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Call For Participation: 2000 International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering

Held in conjunction with the
22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2000)
Limerick, Ireland

June 5-6, 2000

Component-Based Software Engineering:
Reflection in Practice



Component-based software engineering (CBSE) has emerged as the software industry's response to dramatic increases in the demand for software and for reducing the time to market for software-intensive systems. As the number of fielded component-based systems grows it becomes important to reflect upon what is working and where improvements are needed in practice. The third ICSE Workshop on CBSE will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present case studies in CBSE. The case studies will focus on the technologies and engineering practices that are unique to CBSE, and their evaluation will highlight "best practices" in CBSE as well as deficiencies that require further research. More specifically, this workshop plans to collect and examine case studies to help understand:

  • Motivations - Why components? Was it time to market, cost, quality?
  • Differentiating factors - Any elements/characteristics that uniquely differentiate component-based development from other approaches/perspectives?
  • Success factors/major inhibitors - What worked and what didn't?
  • Maturity - Are the market, technology, skills maturing?


Aim of this Workshop: Reflection on Practice

The aim of this workshop is to examine real-life component-based systems. Studying real-life development processes and/or the resulting systems will provide the grounding for a productive debate about what is new and unique about CBSE. The case study format will also provide a forum for researchers in CBSE. Although researchers may not be able to offer real-life cases, their submissions and participation are invited to propose research ideas and analyze case studies.

We expect that the main result of the workshop will be a set of exemplar component-based systems, annotated with descriptions of the advantages and limitations of a component-based approach, and with links to research areas that might address these limitations.




The workshop will be centered on an analysis of selected case studies. Extended abstracts (2 - 5 pages) or full papers (10 pages) are solicited in the following two areas:



Case Studies: The Practice Perspective

It is impractical to assume that an in-depth case study of even one complete system can be undertaken in a workshop setting. However, reflection on practice may be possible if the exemplars are suitably abstracted and focused in their description. We recommend that case study submissions be structured to contain the following topics:

  • Business Problem - a short description of the business problem and why the problem calls for a component-based approach.
  • Technical Approach - a brief description of the architecture, the process, and the technology used, including a justification for the claim that the solution is component-based.
  • Project Description - any project management information (status, milestones, financials, etc.) that can be shared.
  • Benefits - what have done right in the project/solution.
  • Lessons Learned - what have gone wrong in the project/solution.


The Research Perspective

The workshop will also provide an avenue for researchers in CBSE to relate their work to practitioners. The research-oriented submissions should follow a similar format:

  • Research Problem - a short description of the research problem and why the problem calls for a component-based approach.
  • Technical Approach - a brief description of the architecture, the process, or the technology being researched, including a justification for the claim that the research is related to components.
  • Project Description - a status of the research project.
  • Benefits - what are the expected benefits of the research results.
  • Lessons Learned - any experience gained in the research.


Specific Topics for Discussion

For both practice and research perspectives details on the following are of particular interest:

  • How components or component-based systems are specified
  • How existing ("off the shelf") components influence the design activity
  • How components are generated or adapted (e.g., wrapping, protocol translation)
  • How components are assembled (e.g., composition environments, scripting)
  • How components are managed (e.g., configuration, versioning, repositories)
  • How system-level properties are ensured (e.g., safety, responsiveness, availability)
  • How systems comprising hundreds of components are managed
  • How organizations that adopt CBSE must change (e.g., roles, processes, management schemes)


Workshop Execution

Workshop participants must submit position papers in one of two areas: I>case study or research following the format given above. The proceedings will be published via URL. The program committee will also investigate publishing the proceedings formally via IEEE or ACM.

The workshop will be run a full day on Monday, June 5th and a half-day on Tuesday, June 6th. Of the available meeting time, approximately one half will be devoted to group presentation and analysis of case studies, and the other half will be devoted to research presentations and group debate/discussions on the conclusions to be drawn from the case studies and research presentations.

If possible, the submitted case studies will be made available on-line to participants for advance study. The program committee would choose one set of these for in-depth presentation. Advance availability of case studies and research papers would help jumpstart the discussions.



Important Dates
Due date for draft submissions: February 1, 2000

Due date for final submissions
March 1, 2000
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2000

All papers must follow ICSE formatting standards. Papers must be submitted electronically, in pdf format, to Kurt Wallnau at



Workshop Organizers

The program committee draws upon recognized leaders in component-based software engineering in the areas of academic research, industrial tools and technology support, and systems building. The program committee includes representatives from the two previous ICSE workshops on CBSE to ensure continuity, but also includes notable additions to ensure a breadth and freshness of perspective. The committee also has global geographic access to participants.



Mikio Aoyama
NIIT, Japan 




Alan Brown
Sterling Software, USA  



Wojtek Kozacynski
Rational, USA  



Philippe Kruchten Rational, Canada 




William Lee
The Theory Center, USA 




Jim Ning
Andersen Consulting, USA 




Mike Sparling
Castek, Canada 




David Sprott
Butler Group, UK 




Kurt Wallnau
Software Engineering Institute, USA 




Alan Cameron Wills
Trireme, UK 




Christian Zeidler
ABB Corporate Research
* Asia Organizer
**Europe Organizer
*** Americas Organizer



  • papers and presentations

  • contact the local organizer
  • report problems with this page  



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    Last Modified: 29 July 2004