Second International Workshop on
Component-Based Software Engineering
A Proposed Outline for a Handbook of CBSE
- Principles of CBSE
- Definition
- What are components?
- What is CBSE?
- Central ideas, principles, features
- Terminology
- How does CBSE differ (and relate to) similar fields?
- Conventional OO development
- Software reuse
- Patterns and frameworks
- Software/domain-specific architectures
- Distributed object architectures
- Practices of Adopting CBSE
- CBSE Processes/Methodologies
- Typical CBSE life-cycle phases and activities
- How do/should CBSE processes differ from conventional development
- Component market issues
- Economic and pricing models
- Metrics for CBSE projects
- Organizational Issues
- Transition from conventional to component-based development
- Human factors, issues, and barriers related to CBSE adoption
- Project management
- Education and training
- Legal issues
- State-of-the-Practice
- Market analysis
- # and % of companies adopting CBSE
- # and sizes of CBSE projects
- Technologies used
- Reasons/barriers for not using
- Market trends
- Case studies
- Success stories
- Failures/lessons learned
- Technology for Supporting CBSE
- Development Support
- Models, languages, and notations
- ADLs (Architecture description languages)
- CDLs (Component specification languages)
- IDLs (Interface definition languages)
- Other modeling and design notations
- Reusable components
- Component libraries; search engines
- Domain architectures
- Repositories of common system templates/patterns
- Tools and environments
- Component fabrication/generation tools
- Component assembly tools
- Component testing and evaluation technologies
- CBSE project management and estimating tools and techniques
- Run Time Support
- Run-time architectures/frameworks
- CORBA, DCOM, Javabeans, BOFs, etc.
- Integration technologies/tools
- Wrappers, mediators, interfaces to legacy systems, etc.
- Maintenance and Reengineering Support
- Research Issues and Directions
- Subjects in this section will intersect with topics above
The Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and
development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense
and operated by Carnegie Mellon University.
by Carnegie Mellon University
Last Modified: 3 February 2003