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The systematic discovery and exploitation of commonality across related software
systems is a fundamental requirement for achieving successful CBSE, and domain
orientation is one of the most important elements of CBSE. Domain orientation
aims at codifying the development knowledge in an application domain as models
and components, and using these models and components in applications
development. CBSE might be applied most effectively in mature and stable domains
where domain-oriented reusable components can be identified.
For CBSE to become the common practice in software engineering, non-technical as
well as technical issues for both producers and consumers of reusable components
must be addressed. The development cost of reusable components is especially
high and CBSE may not happen unless there is a social/organizational
infrastructure supporting the production and exchange of components and amortize
the development cost. In a corporate environment, a central support organization
dedicated to the development, maintenance, and support of reusable components
might serve as a support infrastructure.
Tue Apr 13 16:40:22 KST 1999
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The Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and
development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense
and operated by Carnegie Mellon University.
by Carnegie Mellon University
Last Modified: 10 March 2003