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There are principles for the development of components to support component
integration. Some of important component-engineering principles are discussed
Domain Orientation:
Software reuse may be the most effective ways of increasing productivity and
reducing maintenance as well as development cost of software. To achieve
successful software reuse, commonalities of related systems must be discovered
and represented in a form that can be exploited in developing similar systems.
Domain orientation is one such approach. It attempts to discover commonalities
of systems in an application or a technical area (i.e., a domain) and then
develop models or components that can be used in developing systems in the
domain. This approach will help evolving an application as well as developing a
family of applications.
Although domain orientation is believed to be the key element in achieving
successful CBSE, most domain-oriented engineering technologies are still in
their infant stage. There are many technical issues that must be resolved
before we can mature these technologies.
Separation of Concerns:
This engineering principle is one of the key engineering principles supporting
CBSE. Components must be designed so that each performs a unique singular
function. Also, each functional component must be designed independent of the
interface mechanisms it employs to communicate with other components. This
principle implies that selection of a particular functional component or an
interface method/mechanism does not impose any restriction on selection of
other components.
Abstract Virtual Machine Interface:
Interface of a component must be designed as a virtual machine. A component must
provide a complete, non-redundant (i.e., minimal) interface. The interface must
also hide internals (i.e., implementation decisions) of the components so that
different implementations can be made for the component.
Postponement of Context Binding:
In the design of components, we need to strive for the development of "context
free" components focusing only on the core functionality. To the extent it is
possible, binding with particular contextual parameters such as data type,
storage size, implementation algorithms, communication methods, operating
environment, etc. should be postponed until the component integration time when
performance optimization is made.
Design Reuse:
For component-based software integration to happen, design (i.e., component
development context) must be shared and reused among the potential users. That
is, design reuse must happen before component reuse. An architectural design
shows the allocation of functionality to components and, for a component
integration, reuse of the underlying architecture based on which components
were developed must occur.
Hierarchically Layered Architecture: Architectures and code components
must be designed for maximum flexibility in composing components. Figure 2
includes a layered architecture model [4] which separates application task-oriented
components, which do controlling and activity coordination, from functional
components, which do mostly computations. Implementation techniques that
are commonly used in the domain are separated from the functional components
as implementation techniques can change for the same functions. Data
communication models (e.g., message queue, task synchronization) are
also separated from the technologies that implement various
communication models. This architecture model allows postponement of the
binding of particular implementation techniques until the component integration
time when performance considerations are made.