Ivica Crnkovic (ivica.crnkovic@mdh.se)
Mälardalen University
Department of Computer Engineering
Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås,
+46 21 103183
Magnus Larsson (magnus.ph.larsson@seapr.mail.abb.com)
ABB Automation Products
SE-721 67 Västerås,
+46 21 342666
This position paper consists of two parts. The first
part gives an overview of a research project started by ABB and
Mälardalen University. The project is concentrated on use of
standards technologies and standard components in real-time
industry-process systems. The main goal of the project is to increase
the knowledge about software development based on standard components
from both theoretical and practical points of view. The project can
be an interesting case of practices of adopting CBSE, a case of an
approach in managing component-based engineering.
The second part of the paper points to some important
aspects in use of components at the development, run-time, and
maintenance phases. It is a problem of identification and
configuration of components in software systems. Configuration
Management (CM) disciplines, such as Version Management,
Configuration and Build Management, Change Management, etc., are well
established for the conventional development. In a component-based
development some new requirements on identification and version
management arise, and some new methods, similar to those from
conventional CM, and possible extensions of the existing methods,
should be objects of further research. We propose an extension of
CBSE-handbook with a new sub-chapter which is related to component
identification and configuration and which could be a part of the
Technology for supporting CBSE chapter.
1. A Case study - Use of Standard Technology in Industrial
ABB is a global $30-billion engineering and technology company
serving customers in electrical power generation, transmission and
distribution, in oil, gas and petrochemicals and, in general, in
industrial automation products. ABB employs 200 000 people in over
100 countries.
ABB Automation Products, a $340-million company, is responsible
for developing automation products inside ABB and employs 2000
people. The automation products encompass several families of
industrial process-control systems including both software and
The main characteristics of the products are reliability, high
quality and compatibility. These features are results of responses to
the main customers requirements: The customers need stable products,
running round the clock year after year, which can be easily upgraded
without impacts to the existing process. In the recent years the
requirements have been, however, somewhat changed. Customers require
integration with standard technologies and use of standard
applications in the products. This is a high trend on the market but
low awareness about the possible problems exists. A improper use of
standard component can cause severe problems, especially in the
distributed real-time and safety-critical systems, with long-period
guarantees. In addition to these new requirements, time-to-market
demands become very important factor.
These factors and other changes in software and hardware
technology [AOY-98] have introduced a new
paradigm in the development process: In the middle of the eighties,
ABB control products were complete proprietary monolithic systems
with internally developed hardware, basic and application software.
In the beginning of the nineties, standard hardware components and
software platforms were bought while the real-time additions and
application software were developed internally. Now the development
process is focused on the use of standard and de-facto standard
components, outsourcing, COTS and producing components. At the same
time, the final products are not any longer the closed monolith
systems, but are instead component-based products that can be
integrated with other products available on the market.
This new paradigm in the development process and the marketing
strategy has put new problems and questions in the focus:
The development process has
been changed. The developers are not only designers and programmers,
they are integrators and marketing investigators. Are the new
development methods established, are the developers properly
What are the criteria for
selecting of a component? How can we guarantee that a standard
component fulfills the product requirements?
What are the maintenance
aspects? Who is responsible for the maintenance? What are
expectations for updating and upgrading of components? How can we
manage the compatibility and reliability requirements?
What is the trend on the
market? What can we expect to buy not only today but also what will
be present the day we start to deliver our product?
When developing a component, how can we guarantee that the
"proper" standard is used? Which standard will still be
valid in five, ten years?
In order to find some answers and to give a theoretical base to
the new methods, ABB Automation Products together with Mälardalen
University have started a project for research of use of Standard
Technology in Industrial Applications (STINA).
The main goal of the STINA project is to increase the knowledge of
software development based on standard components from both
theoretical and practical points of view. The research results will
be used both at the university and in the industry. At the
university, the accumulated knowledge will be used for further
education in order to prepare the students for new aspects in system
development. The industry will benefit with direct implementation of
methods and knowledge built up in the research activities and well
educated students.
STINA is staffed with people both from ABB and the Mälardalen
University. In its first phase the research activities are being
defined for a three-year period. During that period, or later, some
other ABB companies will actively participate in the project. The
project is in the initiation phase, i.e. the activities, milestones
and the project results are being planned.
The possible subjects of the research are:
Technologies for using and
developing components. E.g.COM/DCOM, Java Beams, CORBA, Web, Windows
2000 and Linux;
On-line update;
Development, run and
compose-time configuration management;
Use of standard components for
real-time applications/system;
Quality assurance and
maintainability aspects;
Reusability of components in both real-time and non real-time
The work will result in several "State of the art"
reports, courses, research papers, prototypes and finally Ph.D.
Our expectations of CBSE are to find standards, disciplines and
guidelines so we can investigate them and apply them on the real-time
systems of the industry. One objective is also to feed back comments
and experience from the industry to the academic world.
2. Standard Components and Configuration Management
In the conventional development/maintenance process Configuration
Management (CM) plays an important role. The main purpose of the CM
Identify and manage different
versions of source code in a multi-user environment (Version
Management and Work Space Management);
Configure the components and
build them (Configuration and Build Management);
Keep control of changes at a logical level (Change
The software systems based on standard components are results of a
combination of pure development and integration of components. The
requirements on conventional use of CM remain and new requirements
related to component management appear in all phases - in the design,
integration and run-time. Especially the integration part becomes
We can expect that the source code management becomes less
critical, because we expect less internal development. The
integration part, i.e. configuration, and version management of the
components becomes essential. Change management keeps the same role,
but the implementation of the process is different.
The importance of CM, and challenges in research and
implementation of CM support, are emphasized of the 1998 CBSE
workshop [BRO-98], as quoted: "In
particular, high composeability in a product line setting amounts to
mass customization and this introduces tremendous configuration
management challenges and support challenges."
2.1 Version Management and Configuration Management
In the conventional development, we recognize two different phases
- development and run-time. In the development phase, we design and
build configurations that will be used in the run-time. Those parts
(typically source code and documentation), which are under intensive
change process, are placed under version control. Each item version
is identified by a name, version number and different attributes.
There is information about who has made a change, when, and often
why. A change performed on an item causes a generation of a new item
version. In the integration phase, the particular versions of items
are selected, defined as elements in a baseline, and used for the
system building. In the building process, the new objects, called
derived objects, are created from items under version control and
from items that make the complete environment (for example, different
system libraries, tools, operating systems, etc.). In simpler tools,
such as Make, the identification of items outside version control is
neglected. In more sophisticated tools, such as ClearMake [LEB-94],
we have a possibility to identify the items used in the build process
which are outside the version control. This control is however not so
precise as for versioned items. It is not supposed that they are
changed very often.
In the component-based development we are facing a new situation:
The dominant or, at least, the significant parts of building items
are components. They can be identified by their names, or by some
internal representation, but usually there are difficulties with
their version identification. In some cases of components, for
example ActiveX, there are possibilities to define a version
property, but the management of these properties are limited and not
Components can easily be replaced and the replacement can be made
in an uncontrolled way if not performed cautiously. One common
situation is when a new component version automatically replaces
another component, which itself is used by some other parts of the
system. We can be in a situation where different parts of a software
system use different versions of the same component, which can lead
to unpredictable system behavior (Figure 1). Even more, a component
can be replaced directly in the run-time environment.
Figure 1. The new version of component B adds version
2 of component A into the system
To minimize the risk to fall into unpredictable situations, we
need CM, not only for the parts internally developed, but also for
the external components. A minimal requirement is to have a uniform
version identification of the components. The version identification
can be applied on components placed in a repository. Such a
repository would also include information about other features of
components [NAD-98]. The component
identification required in the design phase is not sufficient. We
also need a mechanism for components identification in the
integration (composition) phase, and finally in run-time phase. As
different versions of a component may be included in the system, it
should be possible to generate a component dependency graph and a
non-consistent use of components should be indicated.
2.2 Change Management
The change management process is focused on the logical change
introduced in the system and its relation to the physical changes.
One purpose of using change management is to simplify the integration
process and ensure a logical consistency of changes (i.e. ensuring
that all parts being embraced by a change are involved in the
integration process). Another purpose is to provide information about
the changes introduced in the system - information used by
management, quality people, etc. In a component-based development the
use of first part will be simplified - it is not expected to be so
many items (files) as in conventional development. A change related
to a component is in practice a replacement of a component or a
component version. The second part becomes more complex. Change
Management must consider the questions, such as: What are the reasons
for a change, and what are possible consequences of the change?
A component might be updated just because another product uses the
new component or it can be required by a new component introduced in
the system. A new component version might be added to introduce new
functions in the system, or only to change its behavior, (better
performance, better stability), but keeping the same interface. When
replacing a component or a component version we must consider which
type of change is allowed, and which type of compatibility are
There are different levels in the compatibility:
Input and Output compatibility.
A component requires input in a specific format and produces result
in a defined format. What are the internal characteristics of the
component is not of interest. An example of such type of
compatibility we can find in different word-processors producing the
same document format.
Interface compatibility (at
development time and at run time). The interface remains the same,
and the implementation can be different. Typical examples is
different implementations of ActiveX objects, with the same
Behavior compatibility. Internal characteristics of the
components, such as the performance, requirements on resources,
etc., must be preserved. Such requirements can be appropriate for
real-time systems.
The compatibility criteria can be used in the decision process if
a component can be replaced or not. This decisions can be especially
important by a replacement "on the fly" in a run-time
environment. It is important to keep the requited level of the
compatibility to avoid a possibility to interrupt the whole system.
3. Conclusion
Configuration Management becomes a more significant part in CBSE.
The development is radically reduced, but more efforts on
integration, thus CM activities, is required. The CM methods used in
the conventional development can be taken as a starting point, but
new methods have to be investigated and introduced in CM to
efficiently use components. For this reason we propose a new item in
the Handbook of CBSE, in chapter 3, Technology for supporting CBSE -
Development support, or under Maintenance and Reengineering support.
We expect that the STINA project may contribute to such a work.
4. References
[AOY-98] M. Aoyama: New Age of Software
Development: How Component-Based Software Engineering Changes the Way
of Software Development, 1998 International Workshop on CBSE
[BRO-98] Alan W. Brown, Kurt C. Wallnau: An
Examination of the Current State of CBSE: A Report on the ICSE
Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 1998 International
Workshop on CBSE
[LEB-94] David B. Leblang, The CM
Challenge: Configuration Management that Works, Configuration
Management, edited by Walter F. Tichy, Johnn Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0
471 94245-6
[NAD-98] Nader Nada, David C. Rine, A
Validated Software Reuse Reference Model Supporting Component-Based
Management, 1998 International Workshop on CBSE
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