Program: 1999 International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering | |
Held in conjunction with the
21st International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE99)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Developing a Handbook for Component-Based Software Engineering
May 17-18, 1999
There is growing interest in the notion of software development through the planned integration of pre-existing software components. This is often called component-based development (CBD), component-based software engineering (CBSE), or simply componentware. While the broad concepts of CBSE are well known and easily stated, a closer look reveals that the term CBSE is used in a diverse set of situations, encompasses a variety of characteristics, and is often given many different interpretations. These are typical signs of the early stages of an emerging discipline. The maturation of CBSE will require leading researchers and practitioners to agree on a common set of concepts, terms, and characteristics that can help galvanize this otherwise disparate field.
The first international workshop on CBSE was held in conjunction with ICSE�98 in April 1998. At that workshop the first steps were taken to provide a coherent picture of the CBSE field. The second workshop on CBSE will build on the results of the Kyoto workshop to develop a foundation for the practice of CBSE. This foundation will take the form of an engineering handbook for CBSE.
More information about the workshop, including the call for participation and a strawman outline for a CBSE engineering handbook can be found at:
Workshop Organizers
The Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and
development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense
and operated by Carnegie Mellon University.
by Carnegie Mellon University
URL: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cbsewkshp.html
Last Modified: 7 April 1999