Guijun Wang
Applied Research and Technology
The Boeing Company
Seattle, WA 98124
H. Alan MacLean
Applied Research and Technology
The Boeing Company
Seattle, WA 98124
A position paper presented at the 1998 International Workshop
on Component-Based Software Engineering
An architectural component has a rich set of elements specifying its
boundary, while an object interface definition in an object-oriented
implementation has limited capability. These differences give rise to a gap
between architectural components and objects in object-oriented
implementations. Given the central importance of software architecture in
component-based software engineering, bridging this gap becomes a key goal in
component software development. In this paper, we describe the gap and its
implications for component management. We also outline a framework to bridge
the gap. In this framework, inter-component communication is separated from
the components and handled by ports and links which deal with infrastructure
level middleware and protocols, including CORBA IIOP and Java RMI. We then
describe the prototyping of components based on the framework utilizing
JavaBeans with extended JavaBeans introspection features to assist in
component assembly.
1. Introduction
Component-based systems mean different things to different people.
Component definitions vary depending on viewpoints and programming paradigms.
As a result, we find that modules, functions, processes, objects, and so on
are referred to as components in the research literature [3], [5], [6], [7] and in industry
software products. In addition, composition approaches vary accordingly. While
conceptually components do not need to be tied to any particular programming
paradigm or point of view, the discussion here lies within the object-oriented
software development domain.
Component-based software development for complex system depends upon an
analysis of software architecture [1], [2], [3], [4], i.e., upon an understanding of system
characteristics and functionality in terms of components and their
interactions. We refer to components at the architecture level as
architectural components. The boundary of an architectural component is
composed of elements such as the events it generates or observes, the services
it provides or requires, and non-functional properties such as resource
requirement and quality of service. On the other hand, in an object-oriented
implementation, an object interface definition only contains services provided
in terms of object methods. In short, there is a gap between the notions of
architectural components and objects in object-oriented implementations.
We believe this gap has significant implications for component management.
It also reflects some differences between academic research and industrial
efforts with regard to component-based software engineering. By bridging the
gap, components at the architectural level can be smoothly mapped to concrete
component models such as JavaBeans and ActiveX, and eventually to objects at
the infrastructure level based on CORBA, Java, or COM+ technologies. In the
remainder of the paper, we first describe this gap and it's implication for
component management, then describe a framework for distributed
component-based software development that bridges the gap and the roles of
component models such as JavaBeans, ActiveX and infrastructure technologies
such as CORBA, Java, and COM+.
2. Architectural Components
and Object-Oriented Implementations
In our architectural component model, a component consists of a boundary
and a group of internal parts. The boundary of a component is defined by these
elements: the events it generates, the events it observes, the services it
requires, the services it provides, and additional non-functional properties.
Clearly, when the boundary of a component consists only of the element
"services it provides", the component is a pure service provider. It is also
possible to have a pure event generator or a pure event observer.
Based on this conceptual model, several distinguishing features of the gap
that highlight the differences between components and objects can be
identified: (1) components have separate interface definitions and
implementations, while an object may not have a separate interface definition
and implementation, (2) a component boundary consists of a richer set of
elements than an object interface, (3) component dependencies are explicitly
declared while object dependencies are buried in code, and (4) component
relations including subtyping, equivalence, and so on are different from
relations in objects and their classes. Not only are inheritance, aggregation,
and containment relations between components present, but also relations among
interfaces, services, events, and implementations must be managed. It is a
consequence of this gap that component management is more complex than object
management. The diversity of industry component models and different
distributed object infrastructures also contribute to this complexity.
For example, relations specifically for JavaBeans or ActiveX components, and
distributed infrastructure models such as CORBA and COM+ must also be managed.
In essence, component management encompasses the coherent management of
elements on three major levels: the architecture level, the component level,
and the infrastructure level.
In the next section, we describe a framework that is designed to bridge
the gap between architectural components and object-oriented implementations.
3. Bridging the Gap: Framework and Composition
Component-based development differs from object-oriented development not
so much in the low level details, but rather in the high level design
abstractions. Once the boundary of a component is defined, how does an
internal part of a component access services from providers outside the
component boundary? How should elements in the component boundary be mapped to
elements in an object-oriented interface? For distributed systems, which
distributed middleware (CORBA ORB, which ORB, Java RMI, MOM ...?) or lower
level protocol (TCP, RPC ...?) should be utilized? Answers to these questions
clearly depend on a variety of development and deployment considerations. The
choice of answers can potentially introduce strong dependencies between
components and infrastructure elements, and between components themselves. We
have designed and implemented a framework to address these questions, one that
uses Ports and Links to bridge the gap between components and objects.
Ports are agents that handle service requests or events coming in and
going out of a component. Links are responsible for connecting requester ports
and provider ports either locally or remotely. As an implementation, Ports and
Links are implemented as Java classes. Class Port is subclassed by ServicePort
and EventPort. ServicePort is further subclassed by DiscreteServicePort and
SessionServicePort. DiscreteServicePort is responsible for discrete service
requests, while SessionServicePort handles a group of services that have
partially ordered dependencies. This group of services is often defined by an
interface. ServicePort is then subclassed by xxxServiceProvidePort and
xxxServiceRequirePort; event port is subclassed by EventGeneratePort and
EventObservePort. Further, DiscreteServiceProvidePort is subclassed by
DataProducePort and DiscreteServiceRequirePort is subclassed by
DataConsumePort, and so on. A port corresponds to an element in the component
boundary and belongs to a component.
Class Link is subclassed by EventLink, ServiceLink, and EventServiceLink
etc. ServiceLink is subclassed by DataLink, DiscreteServiceLink, and
SessionServiceLink, each of which is subclassed by LocalxxxLink, RMIxxxLink,
IIOPxxxLink, SocketxxxLink, HTTPxxxLink and so on. There is similar
subclassing for other types of links. It is a link's responsibility to take
care of the details necessary to connect two ports via either a specific type
of middleware or a low level protocol. Hence, links are very middleware and
protocol dependent, but they remove dependencies between components and
infrastructure elements, as well as among component themselves.
Ports and Links are components in their own right. One consequence of
this is that components with ports can be composed, or connected: (component
parts<-->port) <--> link <--> (port<-->component parts). Note that if we
degrade Ports to attribute variables and place the functionality of Links
inside components, then the dependencies between components and distributed
infrastructure elements, and among components themselves, would be strong and
implicit. On the other hand, if Ports and Links are abstracted to the higher
component level, then separation of dependency concerns is achieved. For
example, ports and links can be replaced without affecting component core
functionality. Common object services such as CORBA Naming, Trader, and
Security can be used by smart ports or links to select interaction strategies
and partners that meet their selection criteria. The framework thus provides
a reasonably general and flexible foundation for component assembly: component
core functionality is separated from inter-component communications, component
independency is achievable, component composability and flexibility are
enhanced, and decisions on communication strategies, protocols, and partners
are delayed until assembly-time or run-time.
We have prototyped architectural components based on JavaBeans and
implemented IIOP links based on IONA OrbixWeb. A bean component is equipped
with ports if it has properties that are subtypes of Port. In order to
discover what ports a component is equipped with, we extended the Java
PropertyDescriptor class with a PortDescriptor class and extended the Java
BeanInfo interface with a SoftBeanInfo interface. The SoftBeanInfo interface
extends the BeanInfo interface with one operation "PortDescriptor[]
getPortDescriptors()". Bean boundary information is discovered by
introspection either on a BeanInfo object if available or on the bean itself.
We further enhanced the BeanBox from BDK1.0 [8] so
that it can extract PortDescriptor information, if available, from the
component boundary and use such information to assist visual component
assembly. By means of this extension, bean components can not only be composed
using events but also be assembled using ports and links.
4. Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we described several differences between architectural
components and objects in object-oriented implementations, the implications
for component management, a framework to bridge the gap, and a prototype
implementation based on the framework. The key feature provided by this
approach is the smooth transition between architectural, component, and
infrastructure level design and development for component-based software
Future work is focused on architecture level component-based software
engineering. In this regard, we are working to integrate architectural
description languages and architecture analysis tools in our prototype.
D. Luckham, J. Kenney, L. Augustin, J. Vera, D. Bryan, W. Mann, "Specification and Analysis of System Architecture Using Rapide", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1995, page 336-355
Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer, "Dynamic Structure in Software Architectures", Software Engineering Notices, Vol. 21, No. 6, November 1996, page 3-14
J. Magee, A. Tseng, and J. Kramer, "Composing Distributed Objects in CORBA", the Third International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, April, 1997
R. Monroe, A. Kompanek, R. Melton, D. Garlan, "Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects", IEEE Software, January 1997, page 43-52
O. Nierstrasz, D. Tsichritzis (eds.), Object-Oriented Software Composition, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Chrysanthos Dellarocas, "Toward a Design Handbook for Integrating Software Components", the Fifth Symposium on Assessment of Software Tools and Technologies, Pittsburgh, PA, June 1997.
G. Wang, D. Klawitter, S. Smith, "Component-Based Software Development: an Architectural View", COOTS'97 Workshop on Software Component, Portland, Oregon, June 1997
JavaSoft, BDK1.0, November 1997,
Guijun Wang is a research associate in the Applied Research and Technology
organization at The Boeing Company. His current research interests are in
distributed software technology and visual programming languages. He has a
Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the University of Kansas.
H. Alan MacLean is manager of the Distributed Software Technology Program
in the Applied Research and Technology organization at The Boeing Company. His
research interests are in distributed computing. He has a Ph.D. degree in
Mathematics from Kansas State University.
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