Sanya Uehara
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
A position paper presented at the 1998 International Workshop
on Component-Based Software Engineering
In this paper, I analyze the technological trends of component
architecture used for business applications. By architecture, I am referring
to the software elements and the relationships among them. The two important
technical goals are (1) separating business logic from implementation logic
and (2) mapping business models for implementation. I also explain the
difference between object orientation and component orientation in building
business application systems.
keywords: component architecture, business application systems, business logic, business modeling
1. Introduction
This paper discusses business application systems (information systems)
such as sales management systems and manufacturing systems. Business logic in
such systems is very important. Business logic is usually embedded in source
code and is thus not clearly visible. Finding specific portions of business
logic is a very time-consuming task for people who maintain the systems.
Object orientation has not contributed as much to the development of
business application systems as it has to others such as operating and
simulation systems. One reason is that most objects in business modeling are
data rather than active objects. Object modeling does not give us good
insights about software architecture, although it does give us good entity
relationships for database schema. A 3-tiered architecture is widely employed
for business application systems in which the data and process parts are
assigned to a database server and an application server, respectively.
Another claim against object orientation is that it does not enable good
business process modeling, which is at the heart of business process
reengineering [3].
Introducing object technology into business application systems is different from other types of software. In this paper, I analyze the technological trends that researchers and industry technology developers will follow.
2. Separating Business Logic from Implementation Logic
The separation of business logic from implementation logic is important for
several reasons.
(1) Business logic changes frequently and thus the corresponding code often
needs to be found and modified.
(2) Business logic is the heart of the system; it explains what and how the system performs.
(3) Implementation logic portions should be modified separately for many
different reasons, one of which is the need to upgrade middleware. This may be
a long-term goal, but it is aimed at the component-based software development
of business application systems. This is the core idea of Enterprise
JavaBeans [4]. The next, more difficult problem is
how to separate business logic into its constituent components. Although
Enterprise JavaBeans currently only distinguishes the process-centric
component "session enterprise bean" and the data-centric component "entity
enterprise bean", OMG BODTF recognizes more elements relating to business
logic such as "events" and "business rules." OMG BODTF discusses these
elements by specifying the interface of components rather than by implementing
Events and business rules are means to describe business logic at a more abstract level. For instance, procedure call is a mechanism by which a client specifies a specific server. Conversely, by issuing an event, a client may invoke multiple cooperative servers. An event such as "issuing a purchase order" is an element that models a real world business, and its associated business rules and processes are initiated to execute the appropriate process. Other elements can also be used to model business logic. These elements are not usually discussed in object-technology communities.
3. Construction of Components for Business Logic
Enterprise or business modeling is closely related to research aimed at
developing component architecture for business application systems. By
allowing us to describe the implementation as well as the interfaces of
components via such business modeling vocabulary as events, business rules,
roles and so on, we will be able to build, customize, and modify
component-based systems efficiently. The refinement process or the generation
of a business model to implementation is an important research topic. OMG
discusses only the specifics of the interface of business object components by
using a business-modeling vocabulary. The following are some definitions on
enterprise modeling:
(1) Enterprise: A system of business objects that cooperate to accomplish a desired goal. The business objects of an enterprise include people, machines, buildings, processes, events, and information.
(2) Business function: A group of activities which, taken together, support one aspect of furthering the mission of the enterprise.
(3) Business process: A specified activity in an enterprise that is executed repeatedly.
(4) Business rules: The conditions, constraints, and policies that control the operation of an enterprise.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, I have discussed the "separation" of business logic and
implementation logic and the "mapping" of a business model for implementation.
All are closely related to future component architectures and the development
technology for business application systems. Note that this claim is not
applicable to other types of software and that object technology will not
support these goals. The techniques we desire for business application
systems are for the "separation of business logic" and the "mapping of
business models" via a business modeling vocabulary, in which object
technology only suggests real world modeling using classes with an inheritance
Data Access Technologies, Combined Business Object Facility, BODTF-RFP 1 Submission, 1998. |
P. Fingar, D. Read, J. Stikeleather, Next Generation Computing - Distributed Objects for Business, SIGS Books, 1996. |
T. Gale and J. Eldred, Getting Results with the Object-Oriented Enterprise Model, SIGS Books, 1996. |
Sun Microsystems, Enterprise JavaBeans, 1997. |
S. Uehara, Enterprise Modeling and Software Architecture for Enterprise-wide Collaboration, IEICE vol.J80-D-I, no.7, 1997 (in Japanese). |
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